I pulled it, covered it tightly for her, and then pressed the back of her heart to continuously input a lot of gas into her body. After about half an hour, she slowly opened her eyes and opened her mouth weakly as if to say something.
"Don’t talk, you can’t say it now." I said gently, "Sleep peacefully. It’s good to be at dawn."
She was tired, her eyes lost, and her aura was bloodshot. I kissed her eyes and she slowly closed them.
If I deliver gas like this at ordinary times, I will have a hard time. Today, it is as if nothing has happened.
"Baby, these gases are part of what you have returned to you now." I said, "The rest can be taken away when you return to heaven in the future."
After saying this, I felt sad. Yes, Ye Huan will return to heaven in the future, and so will Xue Jing. What about me? Maybe I’ll be wiped out in the apocalypse before then, and I won’t think about it at that time, but if I can survive the apocalypse for a hundred years, or in the afterlife, can we still be together? At least leave me a thought to cherish this life and not be confused about the afterlife.
If you love an ordinary girl, you can say that one generation is not enough. I want to be together forever for 10 thousand years. If the oath is false, all the fate will follow the wind, but if the oath is not made in this life, maybe I can look back in the next life.
But both my girls are fairies reincarnated. Is it possible for me to ask someone out for an afterlife? In the afterlife, they will meet the sky, but I don’t know where it will fall … I can also follow the fate except fate.
I hugged Xue Jing tightly, and two lines of tears flowed down my cheeks instead of along with it. It won’t hurt, but at least it can be relieved.
"Fool, don’t cry … Xue Jing won’t … forget you …" She murmured tears pouring out of the corner of her eyes and my tears blended together to wet her skin and talk about it …
369 fleeting life symbol
The next day, Xue Jing recovered, got up early in the morning and looked at me with great interest to refine my life.
The so-called life charm is Zhou Yanlian’s good jade charm, which is made into a charm according to the combination of Xue Jing’s birth and life and the targeted arrangement of the array. Strictly speaking, this is no longer a charm, because it is essentially integrated into the array object
I want her to refine the life charm because she is the reincarnation of White Deer Fairy. In the future, Du Jie’s divine power will be completely lost, and if she loses her protection life, it will become very thin and fragile. According to the fleeting time, changing it once a year will keep her safe for one year.
Speaking of this, we must explain the monistic divine power and practice. The actual practice of Taoist practice is the skill of Yuanshen, which is the basis of practicing Yuanshen’s strength. In a sense, skill is the by-product of practice.
White deer fairy example She is a celestial god, but the celestial world is different from the popularity field. She fell into human beings and later generations practiced for more than 2,000 years. This issue is based on human aura. This aura is different in heaven, which helps her cultivate the Yuan God. Once the Yuan God is repaired, she can fly through the sky and soar to heaven.
There is an old saying in Taoism that immortality is not the form of life and death, but the cultivation of the Yuan God.
What about Du Jie? The actual quality of Du Jie is due to these by-products-skill! Long-term practitioners have gathered a lot of energy. These forms of energy and skill pay attention to the balance of human nature, and they are not allowed to be too strong or too weak. When this practitioner’s skill is strong enough to exceed a certain limit, it will lead to lightning bombardment or affect luck and encounter various unexpected tests. This is called Du Jie.
The crossing of Du Jie is not a robbery of Yuan God, but a robbery of skill, but once Du Jie fails, both of them will be destroyed together, so skill becomes a constraint for those who practice successfully in Yuan God.
Maybe someone will ask, if only the Yuan God rises to heaven, what will he rely on to maintain his mana? As mentioned earlier, heaven is different from the human world, where reiki is more suitable for cultivation than far from human beings. With the aura of celestial immortals, these reiki can’t be achieved naturally.
The White Deer Immortal Yuan Shen has cultivated well, and now she has transferred the Yuan Shen power to me. If she wants to succeed in the evening, it will be simple for Du Jie. She needs to die, but after a hundred years, the Yuan Shen will fly to heaven and recover herself.
Of course, I didn’t tell Xue Jing about this.
"I’m going to take this with me later?" She looked at me and said, "Change one every year?"
"Yes," I said, "change it every year on your birthday."
"What should I do after that?"
"I’ll refine it for you." I smiled.
"Wear a generation?"
"Don’t wear it until you have a baby," I said. "At that time, if there is a baby involved, you can slowly lose your life."
"Will I have children?" She asked
I looked at her. "Of course I will. You are healthy and having a baby is not a problem."
She looked at me seriously, holding the bar. "Do you want it?"
I hesitated for a slowly nodded "want to"
She suddenly realized something, "Lin Zhuo, we were together the day before yesterday. Will I …"
I smiled. "Are you pregnant? Don’t worry, you haven’t arrived yet when you are pregnant these days. "
"Oh … when will it arrive?" She asked
"Don’t ask, you will be pregnant when you come." I got up and stretched my waist. "Well, I’m going to melt this. You can’t watch yourself eat."
"Without you," she said.
"I can’t eat for a while now, and I can’t eat for an hour after the training is completed." I said, "I’ll be fine if I don’t eat for a few days. Don’t compete with me and go to eat and be obedient!"
She got up. "Why do you always treat me like a child? I am twenty-two years old! "
I smiled. "I’m several years older than you. Now you have to call me uncle! Do you think you are a child before uncle? "
She frowned. "What uncle called your brother is more like it?"
"I said the name" brother ".Someone called you or called me by my name. I’m used to it." I said, I pushed her into the bedroom and pointed to the table for breakfast. "Go and eat quickly. I’ll have lunch when I’m finished. Good boy!"
After all, in fact, in the past day, I have made three life charms without taking a breath. Before that, I dare not think that it takes less than a month to make a life charm, but these three jade charms are the foundation of GAI’s secret method. Plus, with the help of that divine power, I can make three pieces a day.
After the completion, I was pleased to look at the jade symbols on the table. They are not big but they are beautiful. The workmanship is very meticulous. Each side is mixed with different arrays. I am afraid that Xue Jing will confuse me. The notes are marked one by one, so that it will be smooth in the evening. Xue Jing can be safe for three years in Du Jie.
In the evening, Qiao Yun came again and brought us a hearty dinner. This time, I opened the door for her and talked to her by the way.
"Are you wearing an amulet?" I asked
"It’s Mr. Lin," she said superciliously
"Can you show me one?"
"I’m sorry!"
I put a bathrobe on her, carried her back to the bedroom and put her to bed, and then I climbed out of bed and hugged her in my arms. My temperature warmed her up, and her face was cold and pale, and her lips had lost color.
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