At this time, Tianyang several people looked into the street again, and the street had fallen into darkness. Some indigenous people exclaimed outside, which made some’ secret medicine’ indigenous people take photos with their body energy veins and light wings behind them, and many residents rushed into the house to light a lamp.

"Have you played everything?" Tianyang asked back
Qianhong nodded and took out a transmitter. Tianyang came to the window and fired a bullet into the air. With that silvery white rising to the sky, Tianyang saw some strange shadows in the town.
When the light was bright that day, he saw the dark arm. He saw that the arm had an extension at this time. It extended all the way out of town, obviously from outside town.
This doubt confirmed Tianyang’s guess.
Suto’s pupil is similar to Kraft’s gate, and its gaze range will be cut out of the inverse world. Judging from the trauma of that arm just now, once the black people are exposed, they will be burned by Suto’s eyes, so those weak black people are afraid to approach.
But the arm is obviously not simple. It not only rushed into this but also destroyed the’ Suto pupil’, so the town returned to the inverse boundary.
At this time, by the dawn light, it can be seen that Tianyang or the street aborigines are all over the rare patterns, and the greasy tentacles are all wet, and the dark mucus is flowing. The arms are bulging, and the ugly pieces of meat are coming from outside the town. They are criss-crossing all over the town and then they are explored.
Those tentacles, those arms, those pieces of meat have a variety of shapes. The black people roared and the crazy figure fell to the streets along the tentacles, arms and pieces of meat that entered the town and rushed to the town residents.
Small town buildings, towers, statues, spray pools are lifted off one by one by those greasy tentacles, pushed down by those sticky arms, and squashed by those bulging eyes.
This town is being destroyed at an extremely fast speed, and it needs to be cleaned up by the sun. The end of the town has come.
"Be careful …" Sunsink said, "Those tentacles, those arms, these things I’ve seen in God’s memory, they’re just monsters eating God’s body."
"I’m afraid now is the real Ni Sartor Lu!"
Tianyang, their hiding room suddenly made a loud noise, and then the whole second floor of the building collapsed and was torn off. They saw their tentacles swimming over their heads, and their arms came and went, and they caught pieces of flesh that highlighted their eyes.
All of a sudden, a piece of golden light was shining, and those who swam to the tentacles and stretched out their arms and rolled up the meat waves. Tianyang saw through this’ gap’ that the indigenous people in the street outside were fighting a horrible black people, and a red cloud behind the indigenous people and the black people was coming at a high speed.
It’s Chiying!
Tianyang didn’t idle his hands around to push the thunder. When the tentacles around him sounded, the meat suddenly became red and shiny like lightning, and then it was blown up and sprayed with flaming coke.
Chapter 1364 Serve me
A monster’s virtual shadow pounces on a real monster and then bites it up. It is equally crazy to impose on each other, so that both sides can declare their disillusionment and move towards emptiness at the same time.
Drinking the holy medicine shows the shape of the’ black saint’. Committee member Lao Bai is constantly throwing out the body and bones, evoking the virtual shadows of monsters and dancing his illusory tentacles to kill the nearby black people desperately.
He kept asking "what" while waving his arms to summon the monster’s virtual shadow. Finally, he suddenly looked up at the tentacles with strange lines and looked at those arms and pieces of meat and cried sadly, "What are you doing this to us!"
"Great Ni Sartor Lu, aren’t you our patron saint?"
"What will attack us?"
Answer him, whether it’s a tentacle or an arm, whether it’s a few eyes surging and sweeping the flesh and blood waves!
Laobai was patted by tentacles, caught by arms, and got into his mouth by pieces of meat.
He couldn’t resist swallowing a lot of meat, and his eyes bulged and his body swelled. Bang, he blew up his scalp, eyes, tongue, dirt, minced meat, blood and bones like rain and sprayed them everywhere like garbage.
Just like laughing at his insistence, he was killed for so little value, and the fragments fell to the tentacles, arms and pieces of meat and quickly became one of them.
In a small town, it’s almost the same for indigenous people, either killed by the black people or one of those tentacles, those arms and those pieces of meat.
It can also resist the area where many people live one day.
At this time, Tianyang’s eyes almost can’t see the building.
The top of the head is covered with tentacles of rare patterns and walks around.
Arm with mucus flowing around them form a wall.
On the ground, there is a wave of eyes and flesh trying to get close.
"Endless …" Tianyang stuffy hum suddenly eyes bright golden light, he gently raised his hands.
Broken buildings, broken streets, dumped street lamps, broken spray pools, collapsed walls … Everything in the town was eliminated like a picture erased by an eraser, and finally even the town disappeared.
A brilliant golden light slowly emerges from the darkness, just like a ray of sunshine from the deep end. It brings warmth, light and heat, and makes celestial bodies, large and small, emerge one after another.
The red, green, blue, purple, orange … All kinds of celestial bodies are like bright gems inlaid with a canopy, and they all shine with pure and rich colors, either hanging in a corner or clustered together.
It’s like a miracle full of epic feeling, which makes people think for a moment. The’ monster’ in the scene, which consists of several tentacles, arms and pieces of meat, immediately appears small.
The eyes of those meat pieces looked in all directions, even though they had tens of millions of eyes, they still managed to accept this grand picture, so many eyes moored and blood came out.
At this time, the hands of Tianyang shook the colorful celestial bodies, and they gradually fell away from their original positions. They burned, they bloomed, and the brilliance was engraved to illuminate the color, and the universe was dyed into a brilliant gold!
Those who swam in the high tentacles spontaneously ignited, those arms stretched out everywhere twisted, and those layers of surging meat pieces burst out with golden flames at the same time.
At this time, the whole universe burned up when several stars broke down from virtual fall and exploded violently from celestial supernova!
The energy released by the explosion of several stars forms a terrible, destructive and violent wave, which radiates and spreads to the wilderness outside the town. In the blink of an eye, the monster in the town is the black people or those tentacles, and then the pieces of ash peel off and scatter and disappear like dust.
Their body structure and that cage of will were instantly destroy by the violent wave that hit Wan Li, and they were annihilated both mentally and materially!
Ashes floating moonlight several people are zheng.
Just now, the ears were full of monsters screaming and native screams, but suddenly the world became quiet
The monsters that poured into the town, the horrible tentacles and the flesh waves all disappeared at this moment. If it weren’t for the light flying all over the sky and counting the ashes and moonlight, they would have just been their own hallucinations.
They just walked out of the house with four walls left and looked around and saw that the town had become a ruin. The street was broken, the road was undulating, the street lamps were deformed and the building collapsed.
However, in a short time, this town has completely become history, leaving nothing behind.
When I finally came to my senses, I heard the sun sink when I was about to say something. "Don’t be careless. It’s not dead yet. It cuts off my body all the time and makes me spread and destroy by meteorology."
Through several trips to Tianyang, it is roughly clear that the’ golden universe’ destroys the target’s spirit and body, but does not pose a threat to inanimate objects.
Therefore, there is a deficiency in this astronomical phenomenon.
That is, once the target is destroyed by the weather and the strong man has to break his wrist, cutting off the damaged part can avoid a bullet.
Of course, this normal situation is very difficult to do.
At the end of the’ golden universe’, it is meaningless to cut off the body parts before the big explosion, but the violent wave radiation after the big explosion is extremely fast. If an individual like human beings is almost completely annihilated by the wave, he will not respond.
But for super-large creatures, they can immediately cut off their bodies and keep the core parts alive when they realize that something is wrong.
Of course, this also requires that there is no outbreak at the core, otherwise it will not react.
But now Tianyang doesn’t destroy the’ monster’ department by feeling his own weather through the meteorological joint display, and the other party immediately cuts off a part of his body, so that his meteorological method can spread and destroy the past.
Da …
Da … Da …
Dadada …
The footsteps faintly flattened the town, making it easy for Tianyang people to see the wilderness outside the town.
According to the light, they saw a figure walking slowly. It was strange that the figure seemed to walk slowly, but every step of the figure would approach quickly, as if the figure had crossed a hundred meters at every step.
In a blink of an eye, a clear outline can already be seen in the dark fog.
The figure is nearly two meters tall and doesn’t match Chiying’s. The back is slightly arched with a gray robe with holes everywhere. The robe has a hood to make the other person’s face hang down from the hat in the shadows and stick together black hair.
But look at the figure and you can see that it is a woman.
The woman slowly raised her head, and a silver eye pupil appeared in her hood. Her eyes were surprisingly calm, but they were not crazy and bloodthirsty, but they looked calm but dull without any aura.
There she creaked from her hat. She seemed to be struggling to turn her neck and observe Tianyang several people.
Tianyang several people exchanged glances with each other and then pointed a sword at the woman in the moonlight and asked, "Who are you …"
"Ni Sartor Lu …" Heavy dumb is not like a woman’s low voice ringing in the hood. Since Tianyang’s ears are not real enough at the same time, it seems that hundreds of millions of people are shouting at the same time. The sound is high and low, sometimes sharp and sometimes low, and it is instilled into their brains like a flood.
"Sartor lu … Sartor lu …"
"Serve me … serve me …"
This sound is crazier and crazier than what I heard in Tianyang swamp temple. I have an impulse to tear my head off when I hear a sentence or two from Tianyang.


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