Domineering and mighty

Aggressive and fierce, several opponents were severely beaten back by the agarwood adults who heard the news.
What an enjoyable feeling!
Sun Hao said with a faint smile, "Dear friends, get up, everyone. Aquilaria also learned skills in those years. Even if I go higher and higher, the indomitable spirit of the Lingtian Sword Sect inspires me to make unremitting efforts to climb bravely. The momentum of the Taoist friends will make the Lingtian Sword Sect a truly peerless sword …"
Ling Tianjian sent monks to cheer together.
The morale of the whole Sword Sect reached its peak.
Sun Hao smiled and said, "Dear friends, three foreign monks have gone to China to wait for the agarwood World War I, and I will go …"
Body slightly shook Sun Hao disappeared, followed by three fit powers, and also went to the void behind him.
The empty sky restored peace.
The peerless power brings shock, but it shakes the hearts of all the monks.
Sun Haosun Chen Xiang’s great ability is obvious to all, and the imaginary people know very clearly that the rise of Terran is even unstoppable.
Lingtianjian Sect, which lives in a corner, has soon become a pivotal position for the virtual terran, and even the virtual terran guarding monks are courteous to Lingtianjian ancestors by three points.
Chapter 2223 36 degrees
Sun Hao’s two sons and five disciples in the immortal silver ship were very shocked.
Before entering the immortal silver ship, they didn’t feel very deep, that is, when the ordinary flying ship really came in, they saw this magnificent building like a fairy mountain, and they were fascinated by the huge silver ship at first sight.
What kind of flying ship is so vast as if there is a hole in the sky?
Then they got a warm welcome from the monks around Sun Hao.
After thousands of years, friends from mainland China finally meet again.
Zhong Gang met his sister and mother, Xuanyuan Xiaolong, and also saw his unreliable mother.
Every monk with Sun Hao is not weak.
The distracted monk has several
What surprised everyone the most was the Four Spirits.
The four spirits have fallen in the record of the celestial continent. In the battle against the magic disaster, the statues of the four spirits have been carved in all directions of the celestial continent, and the four spirits have become the patron saint of the celestial continent.
I didn’t expect them to be reborn in Sun Hao’s immortal silver ship, and all the strengths and strengths have achieved great distraction.
It takes several months at the earliest to go from virtual to virtual and into virtual.
In the great war, Sun Hao didn’t drive the immortal silver ship himself, but gave it to the monks around him to quickly drive through the virtual and virtual channels and fly away to the virtual.
Sun Haozhao’s monks got together and had a good time. Let Xuanyuan Xiaolong, Zhong Gang, Xiao Cao and Zhong Rui go to Sumeru Condensation Tower to practice, and ask five brothers to take an examination of the school. By the way, they can teach them some spiritual practices.
Among the five brothers Xiang Daewoo, Zhu Dezheng, Wu Xianlang, Xia Chuan and Xiaoyu Feitian, Xia Chuan is the strongest and Daewoo is Xiaoyu Feitian.
Relatively obsessed with refining Zhu De politics and Wu idle lang is weak. Many of them have soared for so long, and the two of them are still deified.
Well, the two have laid a good foundation, and there is still progress in cultivation. If you work hard, you are likely to be distracted in the future.
If you practice Sun Hao’s special secret technique, it is not impossible to advance the semiconductor, but it is difficult to advance the real fit without the chance of fate.
Sun Hao’s nine veins in Tianling mainland in those days.
Now, after thousands of years, there has been a great difference in practice between the former nine-pulse brothers.
Refine the heart and kill acne with one pulse. lu shan’s highest level of cultivation is now distracted and powerful. Refine the symbol with one pulse and one road. The second repair of lights is slightly inferior to that of lu shan, but the combat power is similar. If you count his army of beasts, lu shan is afraid that it is hard to be his opponent.
A pulse of refined soul, Xia Chuan, and a pulse of refined array are all repaired by Du Jie now, but their strength is not weak. How many ordinary distractions are there?
The weakest reality is Huang Wenmao, who has fallen to Aoki Sect.
However, through his efforts, Aoki Sect has now become one of the most powerful affiliated clans in Qingyun Gate, and Sun Haozu’s grave has been looked after by Aoki Sect monks for many years, which has contributed greatly to Huang Wenmao.
The strength of Yu Feitian is not weak, and his strong physique will make him more likely to become a fit in the future than Daewoo.
An alchemist’s pulse respects the martial arts and idleness.
Refining a vessel and respecting Zhu Dezheng.
These two guys are gradually falling behind, and the alchemists and refiners are gradually unable to catch up with the needs of other disciples, so they need to catch up head-on
Sun Hao’s view of his younger brother’s emphasis on the foundation is not very much due to the fact that Wu Idle Lang and Zhu Dezheng are not doing well at present, but on the contrary, he expresses his recognition and satisfaction that they are not in a hurry to achieve steady practice and consolidate the foundation.
After sitting together for a few days, when there was still a little distance to the virtual space, Sun Hao gave several brothers spiritual practice separately.
Xiang Dayu was the first brother to be recruited by Sun Haozhao.
There is no comparability between tianling mainland array doctrine and virtual doctrine. Sun Hao is quite satisfied with the progress of learning Terran array doctrine from Daewoo after entering virtual reality.
However, the virtual male and female witches in the array road are one of the most complete races of Terran.
To the front of Daewoo array Sun Hao nature is weak.
Solved many difficult problems in Daewoo’s array, and Sun Hao gave Daewoo a gift from the array of male and female witches.
Sun Hao has a strong understanding of Daewoo, but not a sudden understanding, but a very continuous and innovative understanding.
Sun Hao was ready to let Daewoo digest it himself after learning the knowledge of male and female witch arrays, but what surprised Sun Hao was that he quickly understood some spiritual arrays from Daewoo and asked Sun Hao some important questions on the spot.
Sun Hao shone at the moment and casually pointed out to Daewoo, saying, "Daewoo is good. It has accumulated enough wealth to learn quickly. In that case, I might as well give you the array pill technique first, so you can slowly try to learn."
Bow respectfully to Daewoo and say "Thank Master" to Sun Hao.
He talks as little as ever.
After thanking Sun Hao, he immediately said to Daewoo, "Master 36 degrees."
36 degrees? Sun Hao stayed for a while and couldn’t help asking, "Daewoo, did you say 36 degrees?"
Jump out the word "yes" to Daewoo.
Corleone was lost in thought, and after half a ring, his eyes shone at the moment. He held out his thumb to Daewoo and burst out laughing. "Interesting. It’s so interesting. Ha, ha, ha. Why didn’t you think of that?" Not bad, Daewoo. It’s really good to think of 36 degrees to distinguish angles. Think about it. This scale method is the most scientific angle scale definition. "
I said a few more words to Daewoo this time, "It was all the teachers who inspired Daewoo, but it was the teachers who taught Daewoo to make progress."
Sun Hao patted him on the shoulder. "Come on, don’t kiss up."
With a look on Sun Hao’s face, he said, "Daewoo’s practice shows signs of partiality. It may not be difficult to get into harmony in the future according to your practice, but it is difficult to go further. I will send you three sentences today, I hope you will remember."
To Daewoo, kneeling respectfully, he said, "Please ask Master for advice."
Sun Hao put his hands on his mouth and said, "The first sentence is the gas vein of the matrix."
Answer "Yes" to Daewoo.
This is the guidance to Daewoo’s three foundations of cultivation. At present, among Daewoo’s three disciplines, the refining array is the strongest, and the refining body is relatively strong.
According to Sun Hao, it is necessary to practice hard to Daewoo.
Sun Hao’s targeted measures came. "The second sentence is, don’t get distracted before you get distracted. Here’s a set of exercises for you."
Yu Jian, who took Sun Hao from Daewoo and handed it to me, said calmly, "My brother is distracted without getting into the white jade."
Sun Hao said with a smile, "If Hao Daewoo wants to go further, it is necessary to know that the monk’s body can’t get around a hurdle during the fitting period. How thick a foundation you can have and how far you will go in the future."
I sincerely said to Daewoo, "I understand, thank you for your teaching."
Sun Hao nodded and went on to say, "The third sentence is that you can’t get into the body, but you should remember when you are naturally white."
Say to Daewoo Gong, "Brother, remember, thank you."
Sun Hao nodded. "Well, that’s it. Go ahead and ask Dezheng to come and see me."
In a short time, short and chubby Zhu Dezheng came in and bowed down at the door. "Dezheng visited Master for many years, and you have become more and more powerful in SHEN WOO."
Sun Hao asked in a low voice, "What happened to Jebel?"
Zhu Dezheng looked dark and said in his mouth, "Jebel became a golden Dan and lived for 500 yuan. Before Master ascended, she had been seated in Dehua Dezheng. She didn’t want to disturb Master’s practice without telling me."
Corleone nodded his head. "In the past, some wasted things have become unconsciously, and now you can still see the few left in your former companions."
Zhu Dezheng bowed their heads and said, "That’s no way. Actually, my brother Shou Yuan was almost exhausted. If it weren’t for the great help of the master’s blood transition, my brother and Idle Lang would have been transformed into the celestial mainland by now. If it weren’t for the help of Dagong, it would be difficult for me and Idle Lang to complete the feat of soaring."


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