Shi Fang muttered, "What the hell? !” Turning to the old man, he smiled and said, "Shall we continue the transaction?"
The old man rubbed his hands and said shyly, "My Lord, can I not have the Yuan stone? Just give me a matter-element device and just have one."
Shi Fang nodded generously and said, "OK ~" Anyway, the dry Kun bag is easy to refine.
Fan Xian looked at the front line of people disappearing and muttered in his heart, "Who are they princess royal, a stone man?"
Ning acetylene also frowned deeply and looked in trouble. That murderous look just now could not be faked.
The luxurious youth walked beside the old eunuch and asked in a low voice, "Grandpa Wang, are you sure he was that child?"
Father-in-law Wang nodded somberly and said, "Yes, it must be like him in princess royal. I always remember that when King Wuling lied, he didn’t kill the child at all. Damn it!"
The luxurious youth thoughtfully said, "What should Wang Gonggong do?"
Wang Gonggong eyes inside with a hint of murder said "kill! The blood of the royal family must not be polluted. The duke must have come to participate in the secret land of the vast sea. You must kill him in the secret land. "
The luxurious youth nodded his head and flashed a malicious smile in his eyes and said, "I am white."
In the afternoon, I went shopping for a circle, and everyone came back from outside, talking and laughing, and came in. There was a stone bucket in my mind, thinking about the front street all the time, and things were quite low.
In the garden, Zhao Xinyue is playing the guqin and Li Pingan is sitting next to him, squinting and listening.
Chapter three hundred and nineteen Shi Hao life experience
They walked into the noisy sound and immediately disrupted the guqin. Zhao Xinyue pressed the strings and the piano stopped immediately. Li Pingan opened his eyes.
Everyone came in together, Qingyu ran to Li Pingan, shook his head and smiled with a hairpin. "Do you think this looks good on me, Master?"
Li Pingan nodded and smiled "well! Very beautiful. "
Li Pingan glance eyes stop frowning meditation Shi Yun body smiled and asked "clear stone what do you think? Is it too much pressure to enter the secret realm? "
Shi Yun came to his senses and said, "No, I just met a group of strange people outside."
"Oh ~" Li Pingan asked curiously. "What strange person?"
"Well, I found something interesting in front of a stall …"
Shi Fang explained what happened before and finally wondered, "Why did they call me princess royal? I even know my surname is Shi. I haven’t seen them before I came from the western regions. "
Fan Xian said, "They are stone people, but they are a transcendental force in the East, second only to our Haoran Academy."
Zhao Xinyue looked at Shikoku and said, "If it’s Shikoku, they say princess royal should be Shi Huang’s sister graphite."
Li Pingan looked at Zhao Xinyue and said, "Please enlighten me."
Zhao Xinyue said, "I don’t know much.
About twenty years ago, after princess royal Graphite, a stone country, went to the Western Regions for experience, it was heard that Stone Emperor sent experts to the Western Regions for many times to look for it.
Five years later, King Wuling brought princess royal graphite back to the Stone Emperor, and then he was furious and returned to the Stone State of princess royal to suppress the sacrifice of the sacred mountain, which has not been released until now. "
Shi Fang could not help but ask, "What? What princess royal will be suppressed? "
Zhao Xinyue looked at Shi Fang and said, "According to the court, it was because Shi Guo, princess royal, and the Western Regions privately married a hunter and gave birth to one. Later, King Wuling found himself to kill the young hunter princess royal and brought him back to princess royal.
If their leader, the maharaja, recognizes that you are a young man in princess royal, it should not be wrong. princess royal is a father-in-law Wang, and he will not admit that when he grew up, King Wuling must have lied. You should be the young man in Shiguo princess royal. "
Shi Fang stammered, "I’m Shi Guo princess royal … My mother is still alive? I have a mother? !” Excited to see Li Pingan shouted "master ~"
Li Pingan said thoughtfully, "Don’t get too excited about Qingshi. All this is still speculation."
Shi Hao’s excitement slowly calmed down. Yes! It’s just a guess. What if it looks like it?
Zhao Xinyue said thoughtfully, "It is also very simple to prove it."
Shi Hao quickly asked, "How to prove it?"
Zhao Xinyue said, "There is a stone city in the southwest of the stone country, which is the ancestral home of the stone country’s royal family. There is a ancestral temple in the stone city. If you really have the blood of the stone country’s royal family entering the ancestral temple, you can activate the blood and present the unique blood mark of the stone country’s royal family, which should be confirmed at that time."
Shi Hao turned to Li Pingan and said firmly, "Master, I’m going to Shicheng."
Li Pingan asked, "What happens after confirmation?"
"Get my mother out."
Li Pingan said, "Just now, you also heard that it is not uncommon for the Stone Kingdom to be superior to the imperial court in the eastern region. Do you think you can save your mother?"
Shi Haotun can’t speak. He knows his own strength best. The challenge is extraordinary, not to mention the extraordinary middle order and the extraordinary high order.
Li Pingan said with relief, "What you have to do now is to sink your heart and enter the secret realm of the vast sea, and then think about saving your mother in the future."
Shi Hao nodded and said firmly, "Master, if I understand, I will definitely practice hard."
Next to Bai Xiaochun, he shouted triumphantly, "Brother, don’t worry. Even if you can’t do it, you still have me ~ I’ll help you, younger brother."
Shi Haoyu rolled his eyes and hoped that you might as well expect the stone emperor to repent!
But after such an interruption by Bai Xiaochun, Shi Hao’s mood eased.
Li Pingan looked at Zhao Xinyue and asked, "How long will it take for the secrets of the sea to open?"
Zhao Xinyue said, "There should be about half a month."
Li Pingan nodded and smiled. "That being original is here to enjoy a desert scenery."
Zhao Xinyue got up and gave me a smile and said, "Please feel free to let me go and prepare food for the viewer. Fan Xian, you come with me ~" The two men floated towards the side.
Fan Xian followed Zhao Xinyue to a house in the next courtyard. As soon as he entered the house, Fan Xian couldn’t help but ask, "How did the martial sister Daomen come?"
Zhao Xinyue turned to sit in a chair and chuckled and said, "Teacher younger brother sits and talks."
Fan Xian sat opposite Zhao Xinyue and looked at Zhao Xinyue with these fidgety eyes.
"I invited them to shelter you in the secret world."
Fan Xian frown said "shelter? Elder martial sister, I have achieved the fifth order. "
"Their other disciples were able to work together for the fourth-order repair and slay the fifth order ten years ago."
Fan Xian’s face changed and exclaimed, "How is this possible?"
Zhao Xinyue chuckled and said, "How could I lie to you?"

The luxurious youth took a deep look at Shi Fang and turned away from the rest of the people. They all looked weird and followed.
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海的夜生活如同城市的脉搏,跳动着独特的韵味。在这座繁华都市中,夜市成为了最具特色的一景,夜未央,上海的都市夜生活韵味独具一格。 上海的夜市,既有传统风味,又不乏时尚潮流。从田子坊到城隍庙,从铜锣湾到长宁,每一个夜市都承载着上海这座城市的历史与文化。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海小吃,如生煎、小笼包、糖醋排骨等,也可以找到各种时尚潮流的商品,如手工艺品、潮流服饰等。 夜晚的田子坊,灯火通明,热闹非凡。这里的建筑保留了老上海的风貌,街道两旁的店铺琳琅满目,既有传统的手工艺品店,也有现代的创意小店。夜幕降临,小吃摊、酒吧、咖啡馆纷纷营业,游客和市民在此尽情享受夜生活的乐趣。 城隍庙夜市,是上海最具代表性的夜市之一。这里汇集了全国各地的小吃,如河南的胡辣汤、四川的麻辣烫、广东的烧鹅等。夜市上,摊主们热情地吆喝着,食客们欢快地品尝着美食,仿佛置身于一场美食盛宴。 铜锣湾夜市,则是年轻人热衷的场所。这里聚集了各种时尚潮流的商品,如服装、饰品、玩具等。夜市上,年轻人们尽情购物、交流,释放着青春的活力。 长宁区的夜市,则以美食和文艺活动为主。定西路美食一条街、ART愚园生活美学街区、幸福里等,都是年轻人喜爱的夜生活场所。在这里,你可以品尝到各种美食,如汉堡、烤肉、果汁啤酒等,还可以欣赏到各种文艺表演,如音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等。 上海的夜市,不仅是一种生活方式,更是一种文化现象。它展现了上海这座城市的多元文化和包容精神。在这里,你可以感受到传统与现代的交融,东方与西方的碰撞,从而体验到上海都市夜生活的独特韵味。 夜未央,上海的夜市依然热闹非凡。在这里,人们卸下一天的疲惫,尽情享受生活的美好。无论是品尝美食、购物休闲,还是欣赏文艺表演,上海的夜市都能满足你的需求。 总之,上海的夜市夜未央,都市夜生活韵味独具一格。它成为了这座城市的一道亮丽风景线,吸引了无数游客和市民前来体验。在这片繁华的夜色中,上海这座城市散发着独特的魅力,让人流连忘返。