"No, we don’t need to stick to it for too long. It takes fifteen minutes for the clown to send the message, even if it is successful …"
"His life to change a message … I didn’t expect this kind of novel and often play in the shadows to appear …"
"Don’t want to die … but it seems that there is no chance to live …"
Soap thumb gently rubbed the rifle grip to prevent slippery patterns … The polymer grip has a temperature close to human body temperature and a cold metal case formed a fresh contrast because it was gripped for a long time.
Not long after a person dies, the body will become as cold as this, right?
Hearing the footsteps behind him guarding the door, Noir turned to soap and made an OK gesture, saying, "Several blocks around have been decorated with booby traps. Although the power is not great, if there is a living thing approaching, you can get a warning before."
"Well," Soap nodded. "Clown, he’s probably started the machine now … fifteen minutes, and then we can find a way to run away."
"Fifteen minutes … have you thought about the evacuation route after the dispatch is completed?" Noir asked.
"Never thought …" Soap came to say that there was no need to think about retreat because they would not have lived at that time, but they hesitated for a moment and swallowed the second half of the sentence and changed their rhetoric to "forget it now and don’t bother to think about it."
"Me too," Noir shook his head. "I’m just a soldier. I just need to follow orders. Let me plan my own action plan. I don’t have that."
"Noir, can you trust that clown guy?" Soap asked, "He is also … that kind of monster, but I always think he is credible … He refuses to give us any important information, but I still think what he does is right and meaningful … I sometimes wonder if he brainwashed me by some unknown means."
"Who can we trust but him?" Noir shrugged his shoulders. At this time, his face showed a so-called expression. "We have all seen the current situation of the Ark … I’m afraid we are the only lucky people here except those in the wilderness. Do you think they can still be regarded as’ human’?"
"…" The soap on the other side of the Noir question was at that time I didn’t know how to answer his question. I moved my eyes to one side. At this time, Ulrich had changed into a high-grade suit that I didn’t know where to pick up. The length of the suit was quite suitable for him, but his bony physique was unable to prop up the suit. It always felt like it was swinging inside.
"This guy was sent to a military court for desertion … he shouldn’t escape again this time, should he?" Soap can only be heard by Noir.
Soap used to serve in the field army. Although he thinks he is not a good soldier, he can’t do such a thing as deserting … not to mention the murder of the chief executive, which led to the destruction of friendly troops.
"I don’t know," Noir shook his head. "It’s better to be careful. I’m afraid he’ll stab me in the back when he runs away." Noir whispered.
"That is necessary …" Soap palm made a "chop" move.
"That’s not … he can also calculate a fighting force." Noir raised his wrist and glanced at the dial. "It’s been two minutes and thirteen minutes."
"What did you say?" Ulrich suddenly turned his head and looked straight at Soap and Noir, while the palm of Soap still kept the "cut" posture.
"Nothing, nothing." Soap smiled awkwardly and took back his palm. Just when he wanted to explain, a series of explosions suddenly came to the street not far away!
"Here they come!" Noir sink a drink a way to grab a weapon and turn into a makeshift barricade.
This barricade is made up of an iron table and a few oil drums, and there is no sandbag … It may be ok to block a nine-millimeter pistol bullet, but rifle bullets are absolutely unable to prevent the so-called barricade from having a visual shielding effect.
Soap was returned to the store, and the butt of the gun swept away the window sill with sundries, and then another glass window of the butt smashed a hole, sticking the gun out of the hole and aiming at the street corner where the explosion came.
When Ulrich heard the explosion, he retreated into the shop next door, and he didn’t know whether to hide in it shivering or escape from the back door of the shop.
"Mom, I knew that bastard was unreliable!" Soap scolded, "it’s just the two of us now, and it’s even harder to persist for fifteen minutes!" "
"There will be twelve minutes and thirty seconds," Noir corrected.
The figure of those men in black soon appeared at the corner of the street and saw this group of people. At that moment, Noir’s pupil shrank by one.
These men in black are fully equipped and wrapped in light infantry armor, and there are no holes or burnt marks in the black robe outside-Noir knows very well that the power of booby traps he has arranged can’t cause fatal injuries to these men in black, and he can only delay for a moment and warn them before, but obviously none of these men in black has been attacked by booby traps, which means that those booby traps were induced to explode after they found them.
"Difficult" Noir murmured lightly, not afraid of the enemy’s strength, but afraid of the powerful enemy’s brain … Noir believes that those booby traps have been concealed enough, and it is impossible to go to every corner of the street for a detailed inspection sometimes …
Even booby traps can’t escape the search of men in black, not to mention the two living people. This group of men in black came from the corner, and it rained down on the barricades and shops’ facades. The glass doors with various advertising posters were swept away in an instant, and the soap was overwhelmed by this fierce fire.
The two rounds of alternate shooting lasted for a minute and a half … Although the "men in black" in the eyes of soap are monsters rather than humans, the opposite tactical literacy is not weaker than that of an elite team of field forces, covering fire and advancing alternately … All kinds of tactical moves are quite standard, and snipers are also arranged at several commanding heights in the distance.
Soap heard the roar of the big sniper in the hybrid automatic weapon gun more than once. He filled the bunker and the concrete wall could not stop the anti-equipment caliber armor-piercing projectile. He could retreat repeatedly and gave up the excellent shooting position in the window.
Black dress person soap didn’t dare to look out of the door until the gun stopped and shouted "Noir? Noir, how are you now? "
No one responded to his call that the simple and bulletproof barricade had been riddled with red and black blood slowly spread from behind a dumped oil drum.
"Why am I left alone again-mom! Mom! Mom! !” Soap scolded mom three times in a row, then picked up the gun and ran towards the store.
The exterior wall of the store will be easily penetrated by the anti-equipment sniper rifle, and the first half of the store will be uneasy. Soap can hide behind the cashier counter and stick the muzzle out from the side of the counter.
The cashier counter in this store is specially made, and the surface looks like wood-like polymer material, but it is lined with several bullet-proof steel plates containing Nino alloy … Although this store is located in the West Fifth District with good public security, the black market is also the gray area of the Ark, and the risk of robbery in the store is not low. The shopkeeper can also spend a lot of money to build such a bullet-proof counter, and even a compact gun cabinet is stuffed at the bottom of the counter.
"I should die? In the face of the siege of those men in black … Only the four of us can’t keep it … The clown may have a chance to live, but Noir and I and the Ulrich will definitely die … "
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