This is the fourth time that Kelan knows that he and the "successor" who founded the heresy can make the Alpha-language human beings, and the other is that he sacrificed himself to the "prophet messenger" in the exile camp.

Is this black-robed man also a "prophet"?
However, Kelan soon discovered that the black-robed man didn’t seem to have a good command of the Alpha language. He kept repeating the same sentences and read them very difficultly, just like a babbling child …
But the effect of these sentences is not far from what Kelan saw on the broken stone tablet.
Just then Major Ashkani suddenly exclaimed, "You, you … look at his face!"
The black face is not hidden. It is a young yellow face with no obvious features. It is not handsome, but it is not ugly. If you change his dirty black robe into an ordinary company employee system and then throw him into the morning train full of classes, it will hardly attract people’s attention.
But as he kept reciting those few prayers, his face was rapidly aging-the original full skin gradually became shriveled and shriveled, and a large number of wrinkles and age spots appeared on his face, and his eyes became turbid with the deep depression … but it took a few seconds, but his body seemed to have passed for decades.
At this time, another mechanical sound sounded in the depths of Koran’s brain: "God’s servant can temporarily give some of the holy words to his family, but at the cost, when God’s servant or his family makes these holy words directly ask the great God for gifts, they must give them the same gift power and vitality …"
This passage comes from the information left by Alpha. Although it sounds mysterious, it is not difficult to understand from the literal point of view, especially in the light of the present situation-
"Servant of God" should refer to the Alpha or the "successor" of Alphabet, while the so-called sacred word should refer to the Alphabet language mastered by Kelan and the founder of the heretical sect … This language ability can be temporarily transferred to others, but whether it is a servant or a servant’s family, they make this ability at the cost of their own life …
Wait a minute … Kelan suddenly realized that there is a place in this piece of information that is difficult to explain. If it takes a lifetime to make the "Holy Word", then he has used this ability more than once. What doesn’t seem to affect him?
If the Alpha language needs a lifetime price, it is impossible for this root to develop, and neither should these relics on this planet!
No … No, it shouldn’t be like this … I misunderstood it at first! "Holy Word" should not refer to the Alpha language in general, but refers to a certain number of "prayers" that will only consume the messenger’s vitality when there are "prayers"!
For these "sacred words", I will exchange my life with that "great god" for a "gift" … So what is this "gift"?
Koran soon found the answer.
The black-robed man who had aged to the end of his life suddenly trembled. His skin, hair and flesh were rapidly decaying and his organs and intestines fell to the ground … Within ten seconds, he was wrapped in a black robe and left a dark skeleton.
Dark skeleton!
Koran immediately to react quickly shouted to Victoria "be careful! He is not dead! "
"This skeleton … is what you encountered in the cargo hold of the icebreaker Pioneer?" Victoria asked the SOMA consortium to send the black skeleton sample to the research institute. It was no longer a secret that the battle took place in the cargo hold. The security bureau naturally obtained the phase information at the first time.
"Well," Koran nodded. "This thing is extremely mobile and difficult to deal with … especially in a place like this."
Chapter one hundred and ninety-six Fight black skeleton again
"Everyone to my defense advance array-"
Before Victoria could say the word "formation" and "shape", the black skeleton suddenly rushed to an Security Bureau agent outside the team!
The agent’s reaction was not slow. The moment the black skeleton suddenly exploded, he had already pulled the trigger of the automatic pistol. In an instant, all the bullets were sprayed out like water. However, all he achieved was to tear up the black skeleton and wrap it in that robe, but it failed to cause effective damage to the skeleton.
The black skeleton has suddenly crashed into the sharp bone claws in the arms of the agent, and he left several deep bone wounds in his thigh. Then it dumped the injured agent towards the small group and he himself was short and got into the nearest room.
An agile agent immediately rushed forward to drag his companion back, while others fired wildly at the house in an attempt to suppress the fire and hide in the black skeleton.
"Ah … er … ah … my leg! Ah ….. "The attacked agent wailed painfully until the agent who rescued him pricked his arm with a quick-acting painkiller, and he stopped screaming and gasped.
"No alienated cells were found in the wound to rule out the risk of invasive species infection!" The rescue agent quickly examined one of his wounds and reported to Victoria, "But the claw of the other side has a special toxin that can accelerate the ulceration of the wound and greatly enhance the nerve sensitivity of pain."
"No wonder …" Kelan silently nodded his head. These security agents have received extremely strict training, such as enduring pain, which is the foundation of the foundation. Don’t say a few scratches. Even if he cuts off his whole leg, he can’t shout so loudly … but if this toxin can exaggerate the pain several times to dozens of times, even a strong-willed person can’t say a word … unless he directly fainted in pain.
"Take the injured to the team and deal with them first. Someone keep an eye on the target for me!" Victoria shouted, and she herself has jumped to the roof of the building with the explosive power of mechanical prosthetic limbs.
She was carrying a heavy magnetic machine gun in her hand and shooting at her feet. Suddenly, the roof was cut into a big hole with a diameter of three meters, and Victoria fell directly into the house from this hole!
"The goal is not inside! It ran away! " Victoria’s voice came out of the room. At this moment, there was a sudden scream on the other side of the team. When everyone turned around, they just saw the black skeleton turn behind a mobile soda fountain, leaving a sergeant of the garrison who was scratched by a bone claw to the ground.
"Hurry to save people!" Ke Lan shouted to the soldier, "Be careful not to step on his intestine!"
"That thing behind this! Kill it! " Ashkani suddenly roared at the cold drink shop like a different person. As he rushed, he pulled the trigger, and the cans of soda and alcoholic drinks in the cold drink shop were suddenly exploded.
However, the wall of this soda fountain is made of thin and detachable plates, which easily penetrated the back wall and made several big holes.
"It’s still there!" Major Ashkani’s release of Buddha at this moment has left the terror behind him. He lost his bullet, hit an assault rifle, pulled out his pistol and turned into a cold drink shop, burning against the black skeleton behind the wall!
"Major come back quickly! Your weapon can’t hurt it! " Kelan shouted the physical strength of the black skeleton. He had already learned it in the cargo hold of the Pioneer-that thing can smash dozens of strokes of conventional ammunition roots with Asano Zhaonino alloy blades, and it is impossible to penetrate that layer of bone.
Ashkani pistol is a model "Defender R5" large caliber revolver, which can kill a cow with one shot at a distance of 100 meters, but the only drawback is that it has a small amount of ammunition, and there are four bullets in a bomb nest.
As for Ashkani’s black skeleton changing the bullet gap, he seized the opportunity to drill up from the hole in the wallboard, and suddenly waved his claws like a military thorn-
"bang! !”
At this critical juncture, a light gray Grenade Ashkani and the black skeleton exploded-a large amount of plastic foam poured out of the Grenade, which directly pushed the distance between the two for several meters, and at the same time wrapped half of the black skeleton inside.
This is the kind of foam mine seen in the ruins of Kelan glacier, which is often used by garrison soldiers to suppress riots. He just saw several boxes on the blockade and took a few in his arms. I didn’t expect to send a field at this time
Koran ran over, took out thinner, sprayed it on Ashkani a few times, dissolved the plastic foam that stuck to him, and then filled another foam thunder towards the black skeleton that was about to break free.
"Hoo … Hoo …" Ashkani panted heavily and Kelan helped him to retreat several steps in a row before he sat down to the ground and stared at the black skeleton trapped in high-strength plastic foam.
Koran noticed that Major Ashkani had three triangular pinholes in his arm, and there was fresh blood beside the pinholes. This guy just gave himself a stimulant to become so brave …
"There will be bubble thunder? This thing is about to break free! " Koran shouted at the officers and agents behind him.
"No, I’ll do it!" Victoria sound came from the top of the head with a crunchy click. She directly crushed the thin composite plate on the roof of the soda fountain and once again fell into the room from the sky.
Victoria grabbed the black skeleton skull, steel claws, prosthetic fingers, and instantly crushed the black skeleton skull.
"Skull alone can’t make it lose its ability to act." Kelan woke up when they met the skeleton in the cargo hold, but it was incomplete enough to have a bust and two arms left, but it was still comparable to Asano Akira … This thing "vitality" was even willing to worship the wind.
And in addition to these characteristics, the black skeleton seems to have some special abilities-he still remembers the "black hole" that almost swallowed Kelan’s self-awareness
However, judging from the information received by the eyes, Kelan also had some rough guesses that the ability of the black skeleton should belong to the servant "Alpha Man" given by the Great God. If he wants to control this power, he must pay the price of his life. In this way, except for the "Holy Word", the level of the Alpha language should be one level lower than that of the black skeleton. Before Kelan tried to control the black skeleton in the Alpha language, the result was that he was attacked by the other side.
But Kelan always feels that this explanation is far-fetched … Is the "great god" that Alpha believes in still able to "listen" to the prayers of believers? But … if it can respond to the demands of believers, how can Alpha disappear?
Did these guys have a big death and angered this god?
"I know," Victoria said coldly. When Kelan thought about these things, she had broken the black skeleton into a pile of broken bones, even the tiny joints of fingers and toes were not spared.
"Do you think this guy is really procrastinating?" Koran glanced at the broken bones and said thoughtfully
"I can see that it has a chance to kill my hand, but it will be seriously injured." Victoria nodded.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-seven The gatekeeper will
"It seems that we have to hurry." Kelan picked up a piece of black bone fruit from the ground, or there is a sticky substance similar to slugs in the bone marrow.


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