"This is a temporary relief. Wait for those guys to intersperse for a few more times to completely stir up the surrounding appearance. No matter how strong the will and discipline are, they can’t resist the impact of chaos."
Li Xun looks white and others are not stupid.
A torrent of extremely strong breath suddenly gushed out dozens of miles to the north, carrying the explosive potential to impact forward rapidly.
In this way, the response has been separated by more than a hundred miles, and there is also a similar smell in the south. It is directly involved in the chaos and gradually dispersed. The battle around the Alliance will be repaired all the way, and sturm und drang is in a state of two.
Nineteen luxurious real monks finally moved.
Hundreds of real monks’ righteous and evil camps are divided into two groups, obliquely inserted into the array from the north and south, and freely interspersed with true masters. These mysterious backbones are completely huddled together, not seeking great damage, but resisting impact and corresponding powerful shock.
Forty or fifty real monks, Qi Xin, will go with the wind even if Zhong Yin returns to the world. Although this scene is still a long way from the so-called Qi Xin, this kind of heavy pressure is scattered everywhere, and the surrounding battles are chaotic, and the effect is even better than that caused by a few real masters.
The impact routes of the two real monks are not far apart, and it is said that the north and south are actually hundreds of thousands of scattered cloths at both ends of a cross section, but when they rush into the deep position, they immediately pull the angle and really turn the direction to the north and south.
This kind of tearing is almost fatal to the scattered alliance. The chaotic situation of each area is relatively independent and driven by two torrents, which is like the crack gap of a thousand miles dike is expanding irrepressibly, which eventually leads to the collapse of the whole dam.
And this time the ancient sound moved again.
The formation of the Sanxiu League changed immediately, but unfortunately, after confirming the previous position of the ancient sound, you really have an inferential basis. Through the change of the formation, the movement of the ancient sound is no longer traceable, and the targeted impact of the 19 monks is even more undiminished. The situation is developing in a one-sided direction
The chaotic tide around the storm and thunderstorm finally affected the formation. At first, it was a loose formation, but at that time, it was keenly grasped this change. The sudden outbreak of Zhenhai Law took dozens of feet of high waves with violent storms, such as mountains falling and Tianzhu collapsing and crashing.
Zhenhai law has a terrifying power, and it can be resisted at this moment.
Even though the monks in the scattered repair alliance will arrange the floor in the worst way, they can face up to this earth-shattering impact. It is still a blow to the gods, and nearly 100 people have been shot into the sea by fire waves. Even if they don’t die for a while, it is difficult to regroup.
I didn’t give all the scattered repairs a buffer opportunity, so I measured a blow. Behind me, I was as firm as a rainbow, and I raised my eyebrows and controlled my sword.
San huang Jianzong’s sword tactic is the most imposing and verve, and it is even more like a great day to travel to Wan Li by the contemporary sword emperor.
All over the sky, the wind and rain suddenly evaporated, and only the burning eyes and sword light filled all the senses. The temperature in the East China Sea suddenly rose, and the monks turned over and retreated into a mess.
Because of the impact of Zhenhai law in the early stage, the scattered repairs were washed away, and the distance between Luo Qichang’s firm but gentle killing was far from that of Li Dou, but it caused chaos but was several times that of the latter.
Two grandmasters who are famous for their power happened to meet at the same time, and the impact before and after the gap was really complicated, and the flood around them was washed away, which coincided with the surge of the tight defense line and finally collapsed.
Even in this position of Li Jue, you can hear the hubbub of human error in the distance, which has disrupted the original thrilling explosion. Before the roar, you are really a master, and the fierce momentum is gradually disintegrating, and the general trend is accelerating towards the right and wrong schools.
"Without this tone, carrying a hundred thousand troops is just a native tile dog vulnerable … well, this old shameless thing!"
Li Jue suddenly laughed because of the scattered repair of the alliance. The northwest of the alliance was abrupt and chaotic. Like a group of people of considerable scale, they quietly penetrated into the extremely deep place of the formation in the chaotic tide of scattered repair. In an instant, they missed a corner of the defense line over there, followed by a string of long smiles like fenglei generate.
"The ancient sound base menservants threaten hundreds of creatures in an attempt to change their lives and destroy the foundation of this world. Can our demons be driven to die? All the friends are still not awake! "
Strong true interest drives this voice. It seems that even the whole East China Sea is shaking because of the rain of thousands of miles of sound waves.
The East China Sea can have such a potential. I think it’s Kunpeng’s old demon who suspects that the East China Sea demon alliance is afraid of death after the expansion of the scale of this war.
Li Jue hey hey sneer at Kun Peng’s old demon’s diabolical eyes, and his face is also thick. The defense line of the scattered repairing alliance will be shaken, which will kill him and lead the attack. Although the contribution is small, it is very necessary to get a bad defeat. He will take the first achievement of the scattered repairing alliance.
At this time, other people in the East China Sea think much the same. Yesterday, when Li Xun lobbied the patriarchs of various schools, he visited Kunpeng, and the old demon said that it would give him extra help. At this time, Kunpeng and his newly formed East China Sea Demon League were born. On the one hand, Li Xun’s remarks were corresponding, on the other hand, it was also a great stimulus to the masters of various schools.
At that time, the offensives of the various sects of good and evil were violently doubled, and more than four parties stormed the climax. This time, they were detained by the defense line of the Alliance, and they were shocked everywhere.
"What is Guyin doing at this time?"
Li Xun is very curious about the enemy’s dynamic situation. The female master’s defense line should also feel the pressure from all sides more directly. She should know that it is impossible to save the declining situation by changing the conventional array tactics. Should she make a subsequent move or should she have no subsequent move at all?
What a joke!
Li Jue’s grin will continue, but for a moment, all his expressions are frozen and his face is abrupt, and the cold pours from his head, like lifting his skull and pouring it into biting ice water. This feeling will only appear in a nightmare.
No, it’s not a nightmare. Not long ago, even Xiashan and Zuoforget Fengfen gave birth to this feeling. It was by no means their own initiative, but the sharp and malicious threat from the outside world threatened his life.
He suddenly held his breath and just upgraded his induction ability. However, that wave of intense stimulation was scattered into the wind and rain all over the sky, and a little coolness faded away. He didn’t move again, but his heart set off waves like drums, and his heart roared and condensed into two words …
It’s definitely her … and just now, the freezing cold is so familiar, that is, cutting Excalibur and pressing.
That bitch also came to the East China Sea, and her eyes swept away from Li Xun with malice.
"She’s where I see her."
This sudden cognition is almost full of Li Xun’s brain. He must do his best to control his body and rush out when he is not awake. If so, he suspects that it is equivalent to a dog chasing bones, and he can’t get rid of the end of being fooled by Qingyin.
Be calm, meticulous and patient!
That bitch may not think that she has just made a breakthrough in her induction ability. If she still wants to get away from the former method, Li Xun is at least 70% sure to lock her in.
Li Xun’s mind also knows a lot when he cares about it. He didn’t make any extra moves, but he still noticed the changes in the defense line of the alliance. In fact, his deputy attention was left with a little coolness.
This is the trace of Qingyin and the best clue to catch her.
Li Jue once again fell into the empty and lonely world, still indistinguishable. There were no reference coordinates in the chaos of the four directions, but the intuitive light represented that everything was delayed, and the bright and dazzling fire burned in vain. He marked the position.
When Li Xun’s figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared, it was already a group of monks fleeing from the center with swords.
It’s like he showed up by accident, but seven broken tendons and broken bones behind him, the unlucky guy, still pointed to his moving rules.
These have already lost their lives and suffered such a change again, but they also collapsed and dispersed in screams.
Li Xun didn’t mean to kill them all. He just stared at one of them, a Taoist with a jade crown and a yellow robe, and his face showed panic and despair, and his face burst into a smile.
"Hello, Master Qing Yin Xian!"
Chapter II Absolutely
After saying his word, the yellow-robed Taoist priest’s head was smashed, black and shiny, and his long hair hung freely over his face. Then it was like snow, sword and light, and the rough sea seemed to instantly pull up an iceberg, and the biting cold penetrated into the bones of his limbs. Li Jue’s protection was really like a thing.
Stimulated by this, the blood-burning yuan rate roared angrily, and the dark red fog rose to melt the chill clean.
At the same time, lotus flower firm but gentle collided with a series of tangible ripples in the atmosphere, and the surrounding area was still scattered in the future. More than a dozen monks suddenly screamed and screamed to protect themselves, and the body was broken in an instant. When exposed to the air, the speed of the body was dry and shrinking, and then it shook violently, as if it had just been brushed by an iron brush and hit by a heavy hammer, it instantly cracked and decomposed.

Ramosh and others’ advancing speed dropped immediately.
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漫步在上海的夜晚,仿佛走进了一幅流动的画卷,这座城市在夜色中展现出它独特的魅力。霓虹灯、流光溢彩的摩天大楼、熙熙攘攘的街头巷尾,无不诉说着这座繁华都市的夜生活故事。 夜晚的上海,灯火辉煌,东方明珠、外滩的灯光在夜空中闪烁,成为上海的标志性景观。陆家嘴的摩天大楼、金茂大厦等也在夜晚展现出独特的魅力。站在外滩,遥望东方明珠塔,华灯齐放、色彩缤纷,仿佛五彩音符奏出色彩斑斓的梦幻曲。而站在塔上俯瞰都市夜景,更是流光溢彩,灯火辉煌。高楼大厦,五光十色,高架路上,车灯扯成一条条镶金的飘带。 夜幕降临,南京路步行街的霓虹灯如同流星划破夜空,照亮了行人的面庞。各色人群熙熙攘攘,有人低头匆匆而过,有人悠闲地品味着街头小吃,还有人在商场或专卖店里享受着购物的乐趣。这里的气氛非常独特,既充满现代感又蕴含着老上海的风情。漫步在南京路上,仿佛穿越时空,感受到了上海百年来的繁华与变迁。 上海的夜市是当地居民生活中不可或缺的一部分。夜晚,城市的街头巷尾摆满了各种小摊,琳琅满目的商品让人目不暇接。夜市上,可以品尝到各种美食,如小龙虾、炸鸡、烧烤等。夜市还有各种小商品,如衣物、饰品、玩具等,满足了人们的购物需求。夜市的热闹气氛吸引了无数游客和当地居民。 上海的夜生活丰富多样,无论是酒吧、夜总会还是音乐会,都能满足不同人群的需求。夜晚,酒吧街上的音乐声此起彼伏,人们在欢快的音乐中尽情舞动。夜总会则是高雅与奢华的代名词,豪华的装修和精致的服务吸引了众多寻求独特体验的人们。此外,上海还有许多音乐会和演出,各种类型的音乐和表演艺术让人流连忘返。 夜晚的上海,还有许多不可错过的夜游景点。黄浦江上,游船穿梭,两岸的夜景美不胜收。浦西外滩柔和的灯光把沿岸的万国建筑博览馆幻化成晶莹剔透的殿堂。浦东陆家嘴鳞次栉比的高楼被彩灯勾勒,国际会展中心庄重而尊贵,东方明珠玲珑剔透,如梦如幻,金茂大厦时隐时现,漂浮不定,仿佛在朦胧中远去。 漫步在上海的夜晚,让人不禁感叹这座城市的繁华与魅力。霓虹灯、摩天大楼、美食、娱乐、景点,无不展现出上海这座都市的夜生活魅力。在这里,每个人都能找到属于自己的快乐,尽情享受这个充满活力的夜晚。