"…" Wang Mu.
Master Shen Ji walked up to the model of the magic mirror and gently wiped an ancient drawing and appeared in his hand.
"This is the drawing of the magic mirror," the master said. "It’s not complicated for the refiner. It’s the scarcity of materials. Many materials know a name. Many materials may be in the imagination of the ancestors …"
"Maybe there may be one outside Jiuzhou."
Wang Mu looked at the drawings and recorded them immediately.
So you have the drawings.
"In addition, I promise to lead the machine to create a tactic …" Master Shen Ji gently squeezed his fingertips and pointed out Wang Mu’s eyebrows.
In an instant, a mysterious tactic was printed in Wang Mu’s knowledge sea.
Yuan Shen Fa is so deep that it can’t even be reproduced.
It can be seen how important this method is to the mystery clan.
Of course, I don’t know this article about the important practice of the secret Sect
However, this is indeed the most fundamental article on the establishment of religion.
"Little friend, I can teach you this method …" Master Shen Ji mused, "but I can’t teach you how far you can practice. It’s up to you."
The law can be practiced outside, but not outside.
Advanced methods are generally realized by themselves.
I’ve got everything I want, and it’s time to leave the secret society
Master Shen Ji kept Wang Mu again and again. It was obvious that this master really didn’t want to keep himself, but wanted to keep the sage Oriental Shepherd.
It is really unusual to say that the identity of Oriental Shepherd is really unusual.
Master Shen Ji’s words implied that he wanted to see the oriental shepherd again.
Is this identity Wang Mu feel less or as little as possible?
Too many always feel that things are easy to happen.
Wang Mu, who left the cat, returned to Jianzong according to his journey.
"So the materials and methods are all together."
"Not only that, but even the repair methods of the divine mirror are all together …"
"It’s time to go back to Jian Zong and practice to Yuan Ying … that ethereal flocculant doesn’t know what will happen in the connection … um …"
Lu Wang Mu carefully understood this tactic of pulling the machine to create things.
This practice is far more complicated than what Yu Tian Shu said.
Material transformation is the highest depth, which is the creation of all things.
It’s not just a magic trick like turning stone into gold.
It’s like turning a stone into gold and scattering beans into a soldier, which can be regarded as a magical power
If quality is not maintained by spiritual power, it will return to its original state.
And this magic trick is to change the material form from the root, and the most basic energy particles form what they want.
This kind of realm is a theoretical realm.
Whether it’s transformation or creation, it doesn’t need mana to maintain, even if it’s the most real, it won’t change back to its original state.
Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to achieve material transformation, let alone create everything.
How to achieve this state is also a creator level strong?
I’m afraid this world is not such a friar …
I’ve been soaring for a long time
Slowly realize all the way, Wang Mu is not in a hurry. If you can’t realize it, you should practice at some point.
"Five-light God Gold, a magical combination of gods and creatures, is really appropriate …"
In the theory of spiritual practice, the metal can be transformed into energy particles, which is more convenient to be transformed into other materials.
In this theory, the god of the Five Lights, the Golden God, is said to be able to change thousands of things after the change of heaven and earth, which is just suitable for the creation of the machine.
Take the five gods of gold into the body.
After practicing the magic formula of pulling the machine, you will realize that you can analyze the energy grain source, and you can form the elixir by fusing the energy grain source of the external object of gold to a certain level.
This famous product, the elixir, can be transformed into other materials through the elixir.
The stronger the combination of foreign objects, the more suitable it is, so the transformation process will be smooth, and then the elixir will also develop into a change, and the combination of five light gods and gold will make the achievement called the five light creations elixir.
Normally, you need corresponding spiritual roots to condense the elixir of creation.
The better the spiritual root and the higher the understanding, the better the elixir of creation.
Wang Mu has no spiritual roots, but his body has spiritual orifices, and now there is still a surplus of great elixirs.
So he doesn’t know if there will be any changes after condensing this creation.
Moreover, no one has practiced the history of the secret door.
However, there is a record in the formula of pulling machine creation that the five gods and gold are the most suitable things in theory.
Yan Nvxia knows that this should also be a mystery. Some predecessors or bodhi old zu have had some discussions on Taoism.
All the way back to the boundary of Huangtianzhou unconsciously.
When I arrived in Huangtianzhou, Wang Mu was already getting started.
I don’t know the practice speed is extremely fast.
"Five elements coexist …"
"Now my body five elements then have gathered …"

"The bodhi old zu Dan Wang Zong … I remember it’s not a sword, right?" Jade Tian Shu said, "It’s really enviable that brother can let a couple who don’t practice kendo forge a double sword magic weapon with you."
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漫步在上海的街头,仿佛走进了一幅流动的画卷,每一处都充满了历史的沉淀与现代的活力。夜幕降临,华灯初上,这座国际大都市的夜生活才真正拉开了序幕。 走在南京路上,霓虹灯闪烁,人潮涌动。这里是上海的象征,也是游客必到之地。沿街的商铺灯火通明,各式各样的商品琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。而那些独具特色的洋楼,仿佛在诉说着上海百年来的沧桑与繁华。 拐进吴江路,这里的夜生活更是热闹非凡。各式酒吧、餐厅、甜品店一字排开,散发着诱人的香气。夜幕下,这里成为了年轻人聚集的地方。他们或举杯畅饮,或品尝美食,欢声笑语不断。在这里,时间仿佛变得缓慢,生活的压力在这一刻得以释放。 继续前行,来到外滩。夜色中的外滩更是别有一番风味。对岸的陆家嘴高楼林立,灯光璀璨,与对岸的外滩建筑交相辉映。漫步在外滩,感受着上海的独特魅力,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个充满传奇的年代。 沿着黄浦江边,继续前行,来到了豫园。夜晚的豫园别有一番风情。古色古香的建筑,错落有致,让人仿佛置身于古典园林之中。此时,游客们纷纷拿出手机,记录下这美丽的夜景。而那些夜游黄浦江的游船,也成为了夜上海的一道亮丽风景线。 夜幕降临,上海的音乐现场也热闹起来。从静安区的梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心,到徐汇区的上海大剧院,一场场精彩的音乐会、戏剧演出,让上海的夜生活更加丰富多彩。而那些热爱音乐的人,纷纷涌向现场,感受着音乐的魅力。 当然,上海的夜生活还远不止于此。从新天地到田子坊,从衡山路到武康路,每一个角落都充满了浪漫的气息。漫步在这些充满艺术气息的地方,仿佛能感受到上海这座城市的灵魂。 悠游在上海的街头,邂逅浪漫的都市夜生活,让人流连忘返。这座城市的夜晚,如同它的白天一样,充满了无限的可能。在这里,你可以找到属于自己的那份浪漫,感受这座城市的独特魅力。夜上海,等你来发现。