The meaning of this can be imagined!
Since then, Jun Ze Yu Shen Tianxin has enjoyed the same fame.
It is known to the world that the heavenly heart counts as a man.
After the comments were announced, everyone recognized that the imperial alliance, the royal family of Shenjia Tiandong, and the secret of nine planets would perform a grand event of heavenly heart, heavenly heart, female mind, male mind and double head. However, everyone was looking forward to it, but it was slowly becoming silent.
There was silence for some years until people gradually forgot these two names
In fact, no one knows that at that time, the twelve stars in the East were the royal family of Shenyang, and this young girl decided on this marriage.
The world is so wonderful.
They didn’t regard each other as fateful enemies, but became double-cultivation lovers who would accompany and support each other.
Strictly speaking, this fingered marriage is young marriage.
According to the understanding of heavenly mind calculation and human calculation, there is no need to compete for high strength, and worse, they prefer to see what unpredictable power effect these two algorithms will produce when they are combined.
They also want to know whether the future century will bring about a real mystery in this world.
Comparable to the old man’s secret!
This will definitely be more interesting.
There is something special about Shen Tianxin’s college student ornaments.
It’s not that the students in the black school with the logo of dust Taoist temple are special, but that they are unique and special from herself.
The decoration of the students in the Black Academy was slightly changed by her ingenuity and changed into a black robe.
Her long black hair was gently rolled up by an Aoki hair pin, and her delicate face looked like she didn’t eat people’s fireworks without any makeup.
She’s like a young Taoist who has no desire for happiness in Taoist temple, and her hands are just like a lack of good pixels.
They walked side by side in the snow.
As a heavenly heart, people have come together, even if they are gossiping, naturally it won’t be Luo Changfeng and Cher’s homeliness, Li Xing Yunhe and Linger’s being immersed in love, and it won’t be a topic like Jiang Manzou and Yu Zhongtang who can chase each other for a longer life.
Although Tiandong and Dayan Empire were in a tit-for-tat calm for several months, was the real truth of shattered glass’s death in Luoling as Tiandong said, or was it as Dayan Empire said? Although it seemed to be covered up by the heavy snow, these were just a brief calm before the storm in the eyes of those really big people.
Jun Zeyu and Shen Tianxin are not big shots, but they have minds that are not lost to big shots.
"What does Tiandong think?" Shen Tianxin asked
"You are famous for mental arithmetic every day. Do you have any puzzles?" Junze jade laughed
"As a heavenly heart, if it comes to people’s hearts, I am naturally not as good as you." Shen Tianxin said.
Chapter 31 Where the sun doesn’t shine is called the underworld
Shen Tianxin is not modest.
She said it was true.
If it comes to guessing that ordinary people can’t see through people’s hearts, she is really not as good as Junze Jade.
This is also the reason why many years ago, the whole day was eager to see Tianxin as a higher international party, but the two of them did not have to fight for the meaning of which is stronger or weaker.
Even though they are all easy-word doorways, there are many different schools.
Tianxin is a person, but it’s different and comparable.
"I really don’t know if the teacher thinks so. You know that my foundation has been disconnected since I came to the hospital. Sometimes I really am a student studying in the hospital," Jun Zeyu said
"Aren’t you a college student now?"
The heavier the snow.
There are few pedestrians walking through the criss-crossing streets in Pu City.
Head on, there was a vendor pushing a cart full of straw and straw ropes, which concealed some porcelain on which life was based.
Perhaps some slippery vendors in the snowy world were in a hurry and accidentally overturned the car. All kinds of porcelain were scattered all over the place. The snow was as deep as a thumb and did not cause great losses.
The car turned over Shen Tianxin and passed by.
Shen Tianxin squatted down and picked up the porcelain bowl from the snow and handed it to the vendor. The man nodded his thanks.
Shen Tianxin took the umbrella from Junze Jade and said
"Nature is a college student," Jun Zeyu said with a smile when she realized that there were some problems in her way of saying things.
"The hospital is not completely closed, and it is not stated in the hospital regulations that all students who enter the hospital must cut off the past, and there is always a way to connect the bonfire, geese, bluebirds, fish, fast horses and flying pigeons." Shen Tianxin said
"It’s the official imperial trust, flying pigeons and flying horses. Ordinary people are most common in the practitioners’ trust, and I seem to have read the jade bird letter once." Jun Zeyu said with her eyes staring at the straight and silvery white streets.
"I’m curious about which time," said Shen Tianxin.
"Cher city was assassinated that time" Jun Zeyu did not intend to hide from Shen Tianxin.
Shen Tianxin knew about the assassination, and it happened at the party in Tianxiangge yesterday.
"What clues did you see?" Shen Tianxin was slightly surprised.
"There is something really wrong," Jun Zeyu said, remembering the situation that day.
"What’s wrong?" Shen Tianxin asked
"I seem to know those killers or those who die," Jun Zeyu said.

Tianjige gave this name to Junze Jade.
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上海的夜市,如同这座城市一样,充满了多元与活力。当夜幕降临,华灯初上,繁华的都市换上了另一副面孔,那些隐藏在街头巷尾的夜市,便成了这座城市夜生活的重要组成部分,它们以独特的风情,诉说着上海这座城市的魅力。 漫步在南京路步行街,这里不仅是购物天堂,更是夜市的聚集地。夜市上,各种小吃摊、特色商品琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。街头巷尾弥漫着各种美食的香气,让人忍不住驻足品尝。从烧烤、麻辣烫到炸鸡、煎饼果子,各种风味美食应有尽有,让人大快朵颐。 在城隍庙,夜市同样热闹非凡。这里不仅有各种特色小吃,还有各种手工艺品、饰品等,让人流连忘返。夜市上,商贩们热情地吆喝着,游客们欢快地挑选着心仪的商品,形成了一幅热闹非凡的画面。 豫园周边的夜市,则充满了古典韵味。夜市上,各种传统小吃、手工艺品琳琅满目,让人仿佛穿越到了古代。夜市中的茶馆、戏楼,更是让人感受到了上海这座城市的独特魅力。 而位于松江区的泗泾夜市,则以其独特的烟火气,成为了上海夜市中的一颗璀璨明珠。这里不仅有各种美食,还有各种民间艺术表演,让人在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到浓厚的文化氛围。 上海的夜市,不仅是一个美食的聚集地,更是一个文化的展示窗口。在这里,你可以品尝到来自五湖四海的美食,感受到上海这座城市的多元文化。同时,夜市中的各种民俗表演、手工艺品,也让人领略到了上海这座城市的独特魅力。 夜市中的商贩们,大多是上海本地人,他们热情好客,乐于助人。在这里,你可以感受到上海市民的生活气息,体验到上海这座城市的真实面貌。夜市中的游客们,来自五湖四海,他们在这里交流、分享,共同感受着上海这座城市的魅力。 上海的夜市,犹如一幅流动的画卷,展现了这座城市独特的风情。在这里,你可以尽情地品尝美食、购买特色商品,感受上海这座城市的活力与魅力。而那些隐藏在夜市中的故事,更是让人流连忘返。 总之,上海的夜市风情,是这座城市夜生活的重要组成部分。在这里,你可以尽情地享受美食、感受文化、体验生活。让我们一起走进上海的夜市,品味这座都市夜生活的魅力吧!