However, cruel as he has a full face of blood lying motionless.
Uchiha Shisui saw Chiba appear at the door without danger and shouted with joy.
Stop the water and instantly reach Chiba with a face of excitement. Because of the speed all the way, the chest keeps fluctuating, and the big sweat of soybeans keeps dripping on the temples.
"Thank you for stopping water!"
Chiba looked down at her arms, unconscious, red beans, beautiful eyes closed, beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes kept shaking. It seems that she is still sitting in a nightmare in a coma.
Chiba pitied and kissed the red bean and gave it a smooth forehead to one side to stop water, then turned to look at Tuanzang and his angry eyes almost burst into flames.
"Go to hell!"
Chiba’s red eyes are constantly spinning like The Hunger’s three-hook jade eyes from hell.
Suddenly, I felt that I couldn’t move at all, and I lost my body control. I was surprised. When was this illusion that I unconsciously let myself be enchanted?
The deep Sanskrit sounds in everyone’s ears like the chanting of the dead.
At the root, everyone is dead. This is only when there is less B-level Ninjutsu Ninjutsu that there will be a vision (in the animation, Kakashi copied and never cut the water, and the waterspout appeared. At that time, it felt quite sensational. I didn’t know what it was, but this setting was cancelled later)
Chiba’s hands are dazzling and the printing speed is extremely fast, like a phantom.
Three generations of Naruto appeared at the door and exclaimed that others didn’t react, but Dr. Konoha was a ninja. He was proficient in five attributes, chakra Ninjutsu, and he was extremely sensitive to fire escape! I can see it at once.
In an instant, the three generations of Huoying judged that this Chiba was a class A fire escape.
"Stop it!"
Three generations of Huo Ying hurriedly stopped to help Chiba or Tuanzang, but he was definitely not able to watch the ninja fight in the village.
"Chiba, you can’t cast an A-class large-scale fire escape on your konoha companions!"
The root ninja was even more shocked when he heard the news, and his eyes widened.
"… you’re kidding!"
Everyone at the root can’t escape the A-level fire escape range with a wry smile. Everyone knows that there is no way to escape this kind of hall root.
And there are three generations of hokage behind them. Even if you want to avoid the road, I’m afraid that you will be thrown to the front by the shadows behind you.
"Water, water and waves!"
"Water, water and waves!"
The root ninja played a water escape in despair, but everyone knows that the root is not better than the chat!
Like a thunderous day, thunder and thunder burst, everyone’s ears rang and Chiba’s mouth spit out a huge fireball with a diameter of tens of meters
Covered the whole hall
Those few weak waters make people feel more ridiculous like a drop in the bucket in mantis cars.
The flames instantly engulfed the entire root ninja, even the group was included.
They are all dead anyway, and they have no roots. People give their lives to hide.
Joke, this kind of fire escape department is dead
Give your life to save the dead? !
Three generations of Huo Ying and others were also escaped from the heat wave and instantly left the root gate.
The flame disappeared, and three generations of naruto and dark ninja hurried in.
The eyes were miserable, and the burnt bodies were everywhere.
There are ninjas and flames burning everywhere, and the pungent smell of blood keeps rolling in everyone’s noses.
Chiba’s face was flat and he stared at the three generations of hokage motionless.
Three generations of Huo Ying’s eyes are complicated, staring at stubborn teenagers.
Anger, sadness and regret
"Chiba, you’ve made a big disaster. It would be great if you just gave it to me. Now it’s an irreversible situation. You murdered the village elders. This is a capital crime!"
The three generations of Huo Ying were heartbroken and angry. For Chiba, there was no such thing as Uchihiro’s arrogant ceremony and helping the village to shock the delegation of Lei Guo, and a little goodwill disappeared.
Chapter 60 Three generations (recommended, collected, little friends! )
"oh? !”
Chiba finally sneered, "What will you do if I don’t kill him? Kill him for me? ! Let him go! "
Three generations of hokage were asked one leng, "How can you hide him but the village elders! Although he made some extreme moves, he was excusable for his kindness to the village, and didn’t he not kill the red bean? !”
The three generations frowned, and some unhappiness was not only Chiba’s disrespectful attitude towards him, but more importantly, Chiba questioned his own decision of Huo Ying.
"Ha ha? ! Lord hokage? ! Do you find it funny? ! What kind of incantation is different from killing people? Is it true that you have to wait for the red bean to die before you can settle accounts? !”
"You this rhetoric is different from that day LeiGuo representative? ! If Hinata Hyuga is not taken away, he has to pay for his family. If he is taken away, he can only resist? ! Isn’t this a lie? !”
"And this is a hidden is not an assassination of me? Does he dare to admit it? A konoha elder assassinated a konoha juvenile genius more than once? ! Is this excusable? "
"Don’t I have to die to revenge on him? !”
Chiba sneer at a rhetorical question.
Three generations of Huo Ying Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth to say something to persuade Chiba, but he couldn’t say it. These things were all heard by himself. Tuan Zang colluded with the elder to assassinate two Konoha geniuses.
Just because Chiba is a Uchihiro family who often approaches Kyubi no Youko Tuanku, it is suspected that he has ulterior motives. If it were a family, it would not attract the attention of Tuanku.
A false accusation is that no matter how thick-skinned the three generations of Huo Ying are, they can’t open their mouths.
Ninja life is cheap and precious.
If the village needs him, he can let one person, including himself, sacrifice. Hyuga Hiashi almost committed suicide in the village.
But ninjas are not killed at will, dirt. If you just kill ninjas in the village to satisfy someone’s desire or make unwarranted guesses, the village will be in chaos long ago.
I once warned Tuanzang, but I didn’t want to punish Tuanzang for destroying the village stability because Chiba didn’t pursue it.
If I had known this, I wouldn’t have been tough at that time and let the regiment converge so that the situation could be saved! How do you know this? !
The third generation of Huo Ying was a little upset and waved his hand to let the dark side take it away. Wait until the punishment decision came out in Chiba prison.
One is that I have some doubts and antipathy to the family genius, although I have a little affection, but I have disappeared at this moment. Today, it seems that Chiba is very extreme and full of Uchihiro’s unique evil spirit and has no will to inherit fire.
The other is my friend for many years. Although he has different ruling ideas, after all, he has been hiding together for a long time without credit and hard work.
I am in charge of the konoha light, but where there is light, there is darkness. It is the person who handles the konoha darkness for himself.
Although I don’t agree with Tuanzang’s ruling philosophy, the three generations of Huoying know that it is nothing to keep Konoha stable and peaceful.

Everyone looks intently at it. It is the root that is responsible for planting the mantra ninja. Because the mantra is all his responsibility, the cold expression is the most feared person in everyone’s heart.
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上海的夜市,如同这座城市一样,充满了多元与活力。当夜幕降临,华灯初上,繁华的都市换上了另一副面孔,那些隐藏在街头巷尾的夜市,便成了这座城市夜生活的重要组成部分,它们以独特的风情,诉说着上海这座城市的魅力。 漫步在南京路步行街,这里不仅是购物天堂,更是夜市的聚集地。夜市上,各种小吃摊、特色商品琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。街头巷尾弥漫着各种美食的香气,让人忍不住驻足品尝。从烧烤、麻辣烫到炸鸡、煎饼果子,各种风味美食应有尽有,让人大快朵颐。 在城隍庙,夜市同样热闹非凡。这里不仅有各种特色小吃,还有各种手工艺品、饰品等,让人流连忘返。夜市上,商贩们热情地吆喝着,游客们欢快地挑选着心仪的商品,形成了一幅热闹非凡的画面。 豫园周边的夜市,则充满了古典韵味。夜市上,各种传统小吃、手工艺品琳琅满目,让人仿佛穿越到了古代。夜市中的茶馆、戏楼,更是让人感受到了上海这座城市的独特魅力。 而位于松江区的泗泾夜市,则以其独特的烟火气,成为了上海夜市中的一颗璀璨明珠。这里不仅有各种美食,还有各种民间艺术表演,让人在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到浓厚的文化氛围。 上海的夜市,不仅是一个美食的聚集地,更是一个文化的展示窗口。在这里,你可以品尝到来自五湖四海的美食,感受到上海这座城市的多元文化。同时,夜市中的各种民俗表演、手工艺品,也让人领略到了上海这座城市的独特魅力。 夜市中的商贩们,大多是上海本地人,他们热情好客,乐于助人。在这里,你可以感受到上海市民的生活气息,体验到上海这座城市的真实面貌。夜市中的游客们,来自五湖四海,他们在这里交流、分享,共同感受着上海这座城市的魅力。 上海的夜市,犹如一幅流动的画卷,展现了这座城市独特的风情。在这里,你可以尽情地品尝美食、购买特色商品,感受上海这座城市的活力与魅力。而那些隐藏在夜市中的故事,更是让人流连忘返。 总之,上海的夜市风情,是这座城市夜生活的重要组成部分。在这里,你可以尽情地享受美食、感受文化、体验生活。让我们一起走进上海的夜市,品味这座都市夜生活的魅力吧!