Yun Fan’s body wood crystal energy has not been fully absorbed, and it can only reach the peak of Tongxuan realm after absorption and repair.

Yun Fan, the flying avatar, has to practice. Theoretically speaking, the stronger the charm, the faster the flight speed will be.
Yun Fan will only practice the green wings now, and the speed will increase by 30% to 60%, and his speed will increase by a lot.
The first step is to cultivate Huang Ji Geng Jin firm but gentle.
This magical power needs a panacea, and the cultivation speed is faster.
Yun Fan took Xuanbing, a sword class, to practice without Xuanbing, and fully absorbed the metal essence of Xuanbaobing with ten handles to practice the second layer of Huang Ji Geng Jin firm but gentle.
The power of the second layer of practice has exploded. Even if Yun Fan is the late stage of Tong Xuan’s realm, the power of Geng Jin’s firm but gentle is far beyond that of the first layer of Bing Huang’s sword control tactic, with a small success of more than 10 million Jin.
PS first more commutation ticket.
Chapter 263 Wind source! (2 more commutation ticket)
The most powerful place of Huang Ji Geng Jin’s shock wave is that its sharp and destructive power is not the strength of Huang Ji Geng Jin’s shock wave.
The second layer of the emperor’s Geng Jin firm but gentle has a destructive power of more than 10 million Jin, and the king has to be split in half.
Practice the second layer of cloud sail to practice the tactic of controlling the sword by the emperor. This is a skill, and it is difficult to practice the magical power. It is necessary to create a virtual auxiliary practice by using the wrist guard.
However, the first layer is practicing in Xiao Chengdu for more than a year. I’m afraid it will take longer to practice in Dacheng by this method.
"The stronger your spirit is, the easier it will be to practice the tactics of controlling swords by soldiers and emperors. It will take two to three years for your current mental strength to achieve great success!"
Belle, a little blonde, said that she calculated it according to the speed of Yun Fan’s first layer.
When Yun Fan first cultivated the tactic of controlling swords by soldiers and emperors, it was very slow in the middle period of Tongxuan territory, and then he made a breakthrough in the later period of Tongxuan territory, and the speed of progress exploded. Finally, he practiced Xiaocheng in five months a year.
In the later period of Tong Xuanjing, he practiced for about one year.
Yun Fan’s understanding is far superior. The blonde girl predicted that when she was two or three times, she could cultivate great achievements.
"If you reach the peak of Tongxuan, the true strength and spiritual source will rise to a higher level. At that time, the difficulty of cultivating soldiers and emperors to control swords will be greatly reduced and the speed of cultivation will be greatly increased!"
The blonde girl went on to say, "I estimate that you can practice it in a year at most after you reach the peak of Tongxuan realm."
"It’s still too long since I reached the peak of Tong Xuan’s territory. Isn’t it necessary to leave a second treasure for Emperor Tuotian? Can you wait for me for a year? "
Yun Fan thought it was too long.
"Hey hey ….. don’t worry if the Lord doesn’t go to the treasure, it won’t be born. When will you practice Tongxuan’s peak? Emperor Tuotian doesn’t know why the second treasure was born."
The blonde girl said, "The second treasure is really to be built by my little Belle Qi, and then when I get there, I will stimulate the intelligent system in the treasure and then the treasure will be born."
"So I have enough time to practice in Xiaoyuanjie. When do you want to go again?"
Yun Fan Xidao
He offended too many people in the dry yuan mainland, and the "dry yuan religion", the largest religion in the dry yuan mainland, offended the three major islands in the southern waters, and Kunxuan Island was also offended by Yun Fan.
He has no foothold in the southern seas or the dry yuan continent.
Going to the Yuan mainland again is likely to continue to face the king’s hunting ground. Yun Fan must have enough strength to go.
Otherwise, before the Emperor Tuotian left the treasure, he was killed back to Xiaoyuan, which was so wronged.
"Where is the second treasure?" Yun Fan asked.
"Wan Huang Mountain in Zhongyuan Mainland" said the blonde girl.
Yun Fan knows that Wanhuang Mountain is a very famous mountain, which is the land of life and death in ancient times. Although he has never been there, many of them have been introduced.
The three major religions in Ganyuan Mainland are all located in Zhongyu Yun Fan, and it is necessary to have sufficient strength to go to Zhongyu.
"Since it’s twice the result with half the effort to cultivate the sword control tactic of the soldier emperor, it’s better to cultivate the flying avatar’ Green Wings’ first."
Yun Fan said, "When you reach the peak of Tong Xuan’s realm, you should practice the tactic of controlling swords by the soldiers and emperors, so as not to wave."
"It’s best to cultivate the green wings in a place with profound charm!"
The little blonde loli said, "Although I can create the wind virtually, I can’t create the debut rhyme. If there is any treasure-house in reality, it is the most suitable place to cultivate the green wings."
Yun Fan cultivated the wings of the green wind, and maximum ride entered the city through the big city and asked Xiaoyuanjie where the wind was the most windy and the strongest.
The place with the strongest wind, the strongest wind and the fiercest wind in Xiaoyuan boundary is the Return Air Valley.
This is the answer that Yun Fan got after visiting several powerful families.
The area of Fiona Fang in Xiaoyuanjie is too big, and most ordinary fighters know that this acre of land nearby is not clear about the place too far away.
Only a powerful martial family can understand that the world is vast.
Return air valley is located at the junction of Daxia Empire in the northwest of Dazhou Empire, which is located in the barren Daxia Empire and Dazhou Empire, no matter it is a barbarian tribe.
There were many barbarian tribes in Xiaoyuanjie in ancient times.
With the passage of time, most barbarian tribes were either annexed by the three empires or perished because of the competition among barbarian tribes.
Now there are only a few barbarian tribes left, but they are all very powerful. All barbarian tribes have indestructible strongmen in their bases.
The dog tribe near the Return Air Valley has a strong man in the early days of King Kong.
Seeing that Yun Fan inquired about the Return Air Valley, these families all advised Yun Fan not to go to the Return Air Valley. The barbarian tribes of the three empires all have feuds, and when they meet barbarians, they will be killed.
"Is King Kong not bad at the beginning?"
Yun Fan corners of the mouth smiled coldly. "King Kong is not bad, which is equivalent to the king of the transcendental realm, but the gap between Gu Wu’s body and martial arts should be weaker than the king of the extraordinary early days."
My emperor Geng Jin’s firm but gentle spirit has become the second level, and the king has been the enemy. The King Kong is not bad, and the barbarian doesn’t annoy me, but it’s ok to annoy me. I just practice my hand with this King Kong is not bad! "
Yun Fan flew hundreds of thousands of miles in one day at 16 times the speed of sound, and the next day it reached the northwest border of Dazhou Empire.


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