When the wind soul went to the underworld to find the hidden mother, Achan didn’t know that he was pretending to be a small party in the South China Sea, but when he came back from the underworld and decided to enter for three days with the Quartet Juxian Banner, Achan directly stopped him and knew that he was going to enter for three days, except Guanyin Bodhisattva, there were several people around him.

Guanyin Bodhisattva certainly won’t have any problems with the red line and spiritual condensation, not to mention following him into the magic wind. Yuan Ziyan and Xiaobai certainly won’t have any problems. If the two of them have problems with the four-elephant method, Zhou Sha boundary array or assisting the Queen Mother to move the black hole back to the market in different days, they have no idea how many times they can destroy it. There is no problem with the same clock. From the first moment, they knew that he was fake in the South China Sea.
But where is he?
Who betrayed him?
The wind soul took Xu Feiqiong to the human world and found Huihong and Kuroha.
The lotus flower they are guarding is swaying in the wind.
Hui Hong said to him, "Jixianglian hasn’t moved since you left. I think maybe she is waiting for you to come back."
The wind soul approached the lotus. He looked at the lotus bud and called "Yin Niang, you should wake up."
Perhaps it was awakened by his voice, or perhaps it was just waiting for his lotus bud to suddenly spread its brilliance.
A girl curled up with water lilies.
The wind soul holds the girl in her arms and sees that she is now her own appearance when Daozhou first met her hidden mother. The newborn baby looks eleven or twelve years old.
The girl slowly opened her eyes and watched him unconsciously shed tears. "Master … Master …"
"Silly girl!" The thought of this female disciple’s suffering these days made the wind feel sad.
The wind soul with Hui Hong and Yin Niang, Xu Feiqiong, Kuroha returned to the wild red line and Ling Ning, and Mei Er was naturally happy to see Yin Niang back, but Yin Niang also heard that Zhenwu Emperor died and felt sad for the second teacher elder sister.
Even so, when Kuroha appeared, the red line gave her an oblique eye and asked, "Master, why is she here?"
Wind soul dazed zheng, this just remembered that it seems that I haven’t told the red line about Kuroha’s apprentice. When Kuroha was taken to the barren hills by Hui Hong from the fetal Tibetan boundary, the red line had gone to the Lingxiao Hall with the violet treasure flag, and after that, too many things happened that he never told the red line about it.
Especially when he came back from three days, Reagan couldn’t think of anything but the pain and regret caused by Sun Lingxiu’s death.
"Oh," he shrugged his shoulders and told the red line, "she is now the same as Ling Ning and Yin Niang and Mei Er …"
"I don’t agree" cried the red line.
Wind and soul look at the sky.
Why do you have to agree?
However, if you think about it carefully, it’s no wonder that the red line is a red line. It’s unforgettable that Kuroha almost killed Ling Ning’s revenge in that day, and she herself once found a door to pierce Kuroha’s body and almost killed Kuroha.
What happened before can’t easily erase the red line. Natural law believes in Kuroha
Yin Niang knows that although Kuroha was trained as a killer by your grandmother Rui since childhood, there is also a fragile and kind side in her heart, which is even worse. The hell has helped her many times. The two of them have made a life-and-death relationship, so they pleaded for Kuroha and even Ling Ning helped her speak.
"Hello" Red Line looked at Ling Ning angrily. "She almost killed you."
Ling Ning was stared at by the teacher elder sister, weak and timid. "But, but I’m not dead now anyway …"
Mei Er saw that both the second and third senior sisters helped Kuroha to speak. She had no contact with Kuroha. I don’t know what kind of person Kuroha really was. I thought, "Since she is the new disciple of Master, I am no longer a’ Younger’. I got started earlier than her, and naturally she is her senior sister … hey hey hey …"
Make up your mind. Little Fox Fairy also said to the red line, "I think so, too, Senior Sister …"
"Nobody asked you." The red line glared at her.
Email was the teacher elder sister stare in the mind a panic to hide behind niang in fear.
The hag girl stood there quietly without saying anything.
Wind Soul Tanshou "Anyway, the teacher has decided that she was once, now and now. No matter what she has done before, she can’t help but give her a chance to mend her ways … Well"
He looked at Kuroha. "As far as I know, Kuroha doesn’t seem to be your name, does it?"
"Meng Yier" Hag girl gently said, "My name is Meng Yier"
Wind Soul asked, "Is this the name of your people?"
The hag girl nodded "Kuroha" is what outsiders call her when she is a hag killer.
"Hag, you can’t go back now," said Feng Soul. "Now that you are my apprentice, there’s no need to change your previous name. Why don’t I change it for you and call it Heizhi? You are older than Yinniang. It’s not appropriate to call her a senior sister. Can you rank third and fourth Yinniang?"


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