Although all the people in Qinglong country are a little upset about losing their country, there is always a win or lose in the game. Besides, Qinglong country has always been the first. Please go to the chapter of giving others Suzaku country more and faster. Everyone’s bad feelings are gradually relieved and giving the winner a palm is like thunder …
"Alas, JiFeng still lost, which is really unlucky."
"Can’t you also see JiFeng even the unity of man and god, which hurts people and hurts themselves more, but still lost by the enemy. There is no way to say that Suzaku Buddhist is too strong."
"If it is Mu Waner, the first update may win."
"What if you lose, you lose? Let’s open the Qinglong Kingdom, and it’s not like you can’t afford to lose a big deal and win it back again."
At this moment, the biggest contrast is that the students or elders hang their heads and shrink their necks like a rooster. There is no such thing as arrogance in the past. It is instantaneous convergence, and Han Chong is holding his fist with his head down without saying a word. I don’t know what he is thinking. Maybe after this blow, he can really face himself and put himself in a correct position …
Jiang Xiong Liu Zhen and the two of them hurriedly carried JiFeng back, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and JiFeng looked at the injury before the elders of the college acted quickly …
"Aren’t you sad that Master Qi lost the game?" Tang Fei son saw Mu Wan’s face still calm and her mouth seemed to be still smiling.
"What’s sad to be sad? It’s normal for anyone to win or lose in a fight, and it’s not a bad thing for them to lose Jifeng." Mu Waner said softly and glanced back at all the students in Qinglong Academy.
"They" Tang Fei son also looked back at it, but it was even more puzzled.
"They grew up with praise, and they are all arrogant. In the eyes of people around them, ordinary people have never experienced real setbacks. You should know that failure is also a kind of practice, and this setback is that they can’t learn to believe that they will converge after experiencing this." Mu Waner patiently told Phyl that her face was a rare tender smile.
"Well" Tang Fei son sipped his mouth and nodded heavily "White Master"
Mu Wan ‘er stroked Tang Fei’s little head and took out a small bottle full of liquid from her pocket. "Phil sent this to them and said it was effective to align with the maple wound."
"Oh" Tang Fei son took the turn away.
Looking at his beloved disciple Mu Wan ‘er, he shook his head and smiled lightly, then his eyes inadvertently crossed the field. The figure’s face suddenly changed to silver teeth and clenched his teeth "bastard"
Chapter two hundred and sixty-one Challenge you
"White Tiger and Xuanwu countries, who else are you going to challenge Suzaku country?" The applause and cheers gradually stopped until the referee officially continued to shout.
Now that Harga and Mr. Mo are so scared that they wish they were transparent that they could challenge themselves to hide. The magistrate asked them to continue drinking and chatting as if they didn’t hear …
When the magistrate saw it, he could just look at the more and faster chapters of the boy who stood proudly and was as scary as the devil. Then he said, "The challenge is over and the final champion of the four-nation martial arts is …"
"Wait a minute" was just when everyone was eagerly waiting for the magistrate to announce that the final champion was Suzaku Kingdom. Suddenly, an untimely sound came like a thunder in the ground, which shocked everyone.
"Who shouted"
They all wondered whether it was White Tiger Kingdom and Xuanwu Kingdom when they first updated, and who shouted to look at them in succession. Mr. Hal Ga and Mr. Mo looked frightened and hurriedly waved at them …
Although most people didn’t hear who shouted, a few people heard it, including the one that was about to announce the result. The magistrate saw him frowning and looked at the teenager with a puzzled face. "Do you have anything else?"
It turns out that this interruption is Mu Yun …
When the magistrate asked about the scene, everyone knew that the source of this sound had turned their doubts and puzzled eyes to Mu Yun …
See Mu Yun slightly raised his head and looked at the magistrate with a smile. "If I remember correctly, our Suzaku country should also have a chance to challenge, right?"
Mu Yun’s voice was full of uproar, and then more and faster chapters were invited. The sound was getting louder and louder, but it was heated up like boiling …
"This Suzaku Buddhist is crazy. He wants to challenge."
"Yes, I think my brain was damaged when I came out of the battlefield."
"It’s killing me. It’s the first time I heard that I won the first prize and I have to take the initiative to challenge others."
"Maybe people haven’t played enough. After all, people’s strength is there. Do you care who they want to challenge?"
At the moment, the magistrate looked at Mu Yun with a puzzled face and woke up with kindness. "If you don’t challenge, you will already be a champion …"
"I wonder if I have another chance to challenge," interrupted Mu Yun, still smiling at the magistrate
When the magistrate saw that his kindness was treated as a donkey’s liver and lungs, his anger was also born. His face was a little ugly and he glanced at Mu Yun lightly. "It’s according to the rules. Please go to every country and have a challenge. I don’t know who you want to challenge."
"That’s easy. I want to challenge …" Mu Yun’s smiling eyes flashed across the faces of all the people in the White Tiger Kingdom, and Hal Ga was so scared that he dropped the glass directly without holding it. Red wine was immediately spilled all over the floor. He had provoked Mu Yun before and more than once. At this moment, Hal Ga regretted his previous actions, especially when Mu Yun looked at him. His eyes were as scary as ogres …
But at this moment, Mu Yun’s contemplative eyes were moved, and Hal Ga felt a little loose. At this moment, he touched his forehead and realized that he had shed so much cold sweat. But since the devil is not looking for trouble, it is easy to do it. After that, he must find a chance to say that King Suzaku is an eternal ally, and Hal Ga secretly said.
And Mu Yun’s eyes moved and then swept to the front row in the Basalt BN. Mr. Mo’s heart suddenly tightened and his heart instantly accelerated several times. He quickly bowed his head and didn’t look at Mu Yun’s terrible eyes. But if Mu Yun stared at Mr. Mo, he felt as if he were bound …
A moment later, this feeling disappeared. Mr. Mo looked up and Mu Yun had already turned away from himself. He was secretly relieved at the moment …
And then Mu Yun is focusing on the beautiful figure at the forefront of the Qinglong BN, and a white garment is fluttering like a fairy …
"Oh, my god, please go to more and faster chapters. No, he wants to challenge …"
"It’s Mu Waner. It’s Mu Waner. I’m so excited."
"How can this Suzaku Buddhist shape him well? But I like his personality."
"Who cares if he wins or loses? I’ll support him if the game is wonderful."
"I don’t know if he knows or dares to challenge Mu Waner."
At this moment, Mu Yun Mu Waner’s four eyes collided with each other. Mu Yun’s face was like looking at his acquaintance, but Mu Waner’s face was as cold as ice, and his eyes were even colder. Even his whole body was condensed into small ice beads …
Although Tang Fei son has been with Mu Wan ‘er for two years, she knows the master’s temper like the back of her hand. Now seeing Mu Wan ‘er like this, she can’t help but gently back two steps and secretly shrink her neck and vomit a small tongue.
In the hearts of all people, I was looking forward to Mu Yun’s saying’ When I challenged Mu Wan ‘er’, and I heard Muyun say three words’ I’m sorry’ lightly. Just when everyone was caught off guard by this sudden’ I’m sorry’, I saw that Mu Yun’s face changed and his whole body was full of qi, and his face suddenly burst out. A thousand silk masks quietly fell, and a nine-color camel dragon gun suddenly raised your gun and pointed your gun at King Tai Tsing Lung. His eyes narrowed slightly and he shouted coldly, "Do I want to challenge you, an old thief?"

After the announcement of the results of the game, in addition to the cheers and shouts of several people in Suzaku’s camp, more and faster chapters were invited to the audience. It was an abnormal silence. Everyone still didn’t recover from the failure. They still believed in what was in front of them until a long time before there were stars and cheers, and then they lit the field like a dye …
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,漫步在上海这座繁华都市的街头,仿佛置身于一个璀璨的霓虹世界。这里,高楼林立,车水马龙,人流如织,尽显不夜城的活力与魅力。 漫步在外滩,夜色中的浦江两岸,霓虹闪烁,流光溢彩。对岸的陆家嘴,摩天大楼群如雨后春笋般崛起,东方明珠、金茂大厦、环球金融中心等建筑群交相辉映,构成了一幅壮丽的都市画卷。夜幕下的外滩,更是成为游客们争相观赏的景点,他们在这里拍照留念,感受这座城市的独特韵味。 沿着南京路步行街,一路走来,商铺林立,热闹非凡。这里汇集了各种品牌,从国际大牌到本土品牌,应有尽有。夜幕下的南京路,更是购物者的天堂。霓虹灯映照在琳琅满目的商品上,显得格外耀眼。人们在挑选心仪的物品,欢声笑语此起彼伏,为这座不夜城增添了无限生机。 走进田子坊,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个充满文艺气息的旧上海。这里的小巷弄堂,布满了特色小店、艺术作坊和咖啡馆。漫步其中,仿佛能听到老上海的故事在耳边轻轻述说。这里的建筑,既有江南水乡的韵味,又不乏现代都市的时尚。在这里,游客们可以尽情地感受上海的历史与文化。 来到城隍庙,这里热闹非凡,小吃摊、特色店铺、庙宇等一应俱全。这里是品尝上海小吃的好去处,如小笼包、生煎、糖醋排骨等,让人回味无穷。夜幕下的城隍庙,更是流光溢彩,游客们在这里感受着上海的历史文化,品尝着地道的美食。 走进上海的老弄堂,仿佛回到了那个充满生活气息的年代。这里的人们,悠闲自得,过着平凡而幸福的生活。夜幕下的老弄堂,更是别有一番风味。人们在这里聊天、散步、享受着宁静的夜晚。 上海的夜晚,舞厅、酒吧、KTV等娱乐场所热闹非凡。在这里,人们可以尽情地释放自己,享受生活的乐趣。而那些经典的交际舞,更是成为上海夜晚的一道独特风景线。 漫步在上海的霓虹中,感受这座不夜城的活力与魅力,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界。这里,历史与现代交织,东方与西方交融,展现出上海独特的魅力。这座不夜城,让人流连忘返,心生向往。
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海的夜生活如同城市的脉搏,跳动着独特的韵味。在这座繁华都市中,夜市成为了最具特色的一景,夜未央,上海的都市夜生活韵味独具一格。 上海的夜市,既有传统风味,又不乏时尚潮流。从田子坊到城隍庙,从铜锣湾到长宁,每一个夜市都承载着上海这座城市的历史与文化。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海小吃,如生煎、小笼包、糖醋排骨等,也可以找到各种时尚潮流的商品,如手工艺品、潮流服饰等。 夜晚的田子坊,灯火通明,热闹非凡。这里的建筑保留了老上海的风貌,街道两旁的店铺琳琅满目,既有传统的手工艺品店,也有现代的创意小店。夜幕降临,小吃摊、酒吧、咖啡馆纷纷营业,游客和市民在此尽情享受夜生活的乐趣。 城隍庙夜市,是上海最具代表性的夜市之一。这里汇集了全国各地的小吃,如河南的胡辣汤、四川的麻辣烫、广东的烧鹅等。夜市上,摊主们热情地吆喝着,食客们欢快地品尝着美食,仿佛置身于一场美食盛宴。 铜锣湾夜市,则是年轻人热衷的场所。这里聚集了各种时尚潮流的商品,如服装、饰品、玩具等。夜市上,年轻人们尽情购物、交流,释放着青春的活力。 长宁区的夜市,则以美食和文艺活动为主。定西路美食一条街、ART愚园生活美学街区、幸福里等,都是年轻人喜爱的夜生活场所。在这里,你可以品尝到各种美食,如汉堡、烤肉、果汁啤酒等,还可以欣赏到各种文艺表演,如音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等。 上海的夜市,不仅是一种生活方式,更是一种文化现象。它展现了上海这座城市的多元文化和包容精神。在这里,你可以感受到传统与现代的交融,东方与西方的碰撞,从而体验到上海都市夜生活的独特韵味。 夜未央,上海的夜市依然热闹非凡。在这里,人们卸下一天的疲惫,尽情享受生活的美好。无论是品尝美食、购物休闲,还是欣赏文艺表演,上海的夜市都能满足你的需求。 总之,上海的夜市夜未央,都市夜生活韵味独具一格。它成为了这座城市的一道亮丽风景线,吸引了无数游客和市民前来体验。在这片繁华的夜色中,上海这座城市散发着独特的魅力,让人流连忘返。