"You can die if you want." Chen Senran didn’t stop him. Sometimes a happy death is happier than a sad life.
"Do you want a car?" An old voice suddenly sounded from behind Chen Senran.
At that moment, Chen Senran had a cold sweat until he recognized the master of the sound, and he almost threw a flame dagger at the back.
"Lao Du’s greeting" Chen Senran slowly turned around and looked at his face and stood behind him three yards. The old coachman’s tone was cold. He was really scared just now. This person could be so close to his side without knowing it … If he had a knife in his hand …
Chen Senran consciously glanced at the old coachman’s hands, which should be old and unbearable in the bright night. They looked bright and clean like some kind of jade
Chen Senran’s pupil contracted and he didn’t notice this detail. This old guy is definitely a good knife.
"Do you want a car?" Lao Du didn’t seem to see Chen Senran’s gaze. He repeated his face without a trace of expression.
"No need" Chen Senran refused to go outside.
The driver Lao Du didn’t leave. He looked at his muddy eyes in the same place and still held the dagger in a daze. Sacco suddenly asked, "Do you want to learn knives?"
First Geng
Recently, the rhythm has been updated incorrectly, and efforts have been made to find back the previous rhythm.
Another click to break long live.
Page 90 The Apocalypse and the Eye-Closing Bodhisattva
Life seems to be back on track. Chen Senran once again spent the day in the library and the night in the pub, fighting a few fights by the way, or sometimes taking Sacco out to kill a few people in the middle of the night while the little girl was asleep.
Noxas probably didn’t bother himself because of the situation in the north. Katrina and Tyrone started that pub again, and occasionally they would come to the gray oak tree for a few drinks. First, the fight club also opened a branch there.
There is no news from demacia. Lax often goes to the pub late to have a few cups of milk juice with the little girl, and of course, more is waiting for some cold-blooded killer.
Parliament there is also calm, neither sending more people to monitor themselves nor deliberately making things difficult for themselves. Sometimes Chen Senran will say hello to each other in Piero, Lu Yu in the evening, but Piero seems to be getting more and more depressed.
What bothers me more is that the little girl has been secretly drinking behind her back from time to time since she drank the wine, and the wine is getting worse and worse. Every time she gets drunk, she is either confused and says something inappropriate to herself or holds herself like a koala.
The only surprise is that Sacco’s knife skills are getting better and better, which makes Chen Senran look at Lao Du more and more thoughtfully.
This kind of life lasted for a month, and the spring of the War College slowly turned into the summer. In Chen Senran’s good girl, ice was added and a new summer magic lounge chair was changed. When he was lying in it, he had a feeling that he could stay on vacation until the end of the year.
Here comes a man.
This man came in the early morning when the weather was slightly stuffy. In fact, the War College is located in a vast plain, and the magic facilities department of the city is comparable to that of Pieterwolf’s excellent goods institute. Theoretically, summer is not difficult, but with the increasing population, the scale of the urban area has been delayed, and the gradual congestion has made the air quality of the whole city not very good.
And Chen Senran saw that man while complaining about the stingy parliament and pushing the black wood door of Obsidian Library.
At that time, she was respectfully talking to the woman sitting behind the counter. Chen Senran vaguely heard a sentence, "You are the flag of Ionia. You shouldn’t abandon your people."
As Chen Senran suddenly broke into this seemingly pleading conversation, he naturally died.
Chen Senran glanced at the speaker, who was a woman with delicate eyebrows, beautiful eyes and high nose. Her long black hair was combed into two short buns at her ears, and the other black hair was very refreshing downstream. She was straight and had a trace of a soldier, and her two slender eyebrows moved slightly closer to the eyebrows. Her body was simple and bright, and her red armor-like clothes had an indescribable heroic spirit.
The most important thing is that her eyes are clean
"Sorry, I seem to … disturb you." Chen Senran bowed slightly with some apologies.
The lady shook her head to show that she was heartless, while the woman with delicate appearance and heroic spirit looked at the lady without saying hello to Chen Senran.
"That you talk about me advanced" Chen Senran coughed a pour also don’t care about being regarded by the woman he cares about is just heard that sentence.
Ionian flag … Chen Senran tried to listen to the rear ring as he walked, hoping to hear some more information to help him analyze.
But it’s a pity that he heard a message from Mrs. Fujian, "You go."
Obviously, this woman came to see her wife for something. It seems that she should take charge of the overall situation of Ionia, because that woman said that your people …
And can be called the flag of Ionia has its own people … This lady’s identity seems to force me to guess what peerless masters are three points worse.
Is it the queen of Ionia? However, Chen Senran immediately thought that the situation in Ionia is still in a government situation, and the remnants of Noxas are still in Ionia island to continue their plan to expand the territory. The rest of Ionia people either live a wandering life or go to the mainland of Varoland to make a living, and not many people are still continuing the cause of resistance …
Rebels … Chen Senran probably knew that the information of this organization was that when Noxas invaded Ionia, the last rebel force successfully repelled Noxas’ attack, and almost set up a new government, but later it gradually declined due to the disappearance of its leader, which led to the situation that Ionia is still divided. Master Yi seems to have been one of the top figures.
Wait, the leader is missing … leading Ionia … your people … the rebels … think of what a middle-aged woman once said to herself. She used to think that the sword was the only truth, but now she is here to save her identity.
"Apocalypse Kamahl" Chen Senran read these six words in a low voice, but glanced at the counter direction but was blocked by the full frame and darkness, which also blocked the old middle-aged woman sitting there looking at the hair at the moment.
Orthodox books describe this woman very little at most, that is, she has led the Ionian resistance war, but she doesn’t even have a name. Only when she introduces Ionian mysticism, there is a very short description when it comes to Ionian meditation. Meditation is a complicated and difficult occult technique. Ordinary people may not even touch the door for decades, but truly talented people can close their eyes, realize enlightenment, open their eyes and see the world like the stars and the moon. The winner of this technique is called Io the Apocalypse. Nyan tantric Sect has produced three apocalypses for hundreds of years. The first one is the founder of tantric Sect, the second one is the first generation king of Ionian Kingdom, and the third one is Karma, the leader of the iron-toed resistance against Noxas in recent years.
"What an amazing woman!" Chen Senran sighed with a smile.
Until the evening, Chen Senran kept looking up the habit of getting first-hand information about what appeared around him in Ionia.
When he walked out of the door, Chen Senran bowed deeply to Kamahl to show his respect. A man strong enough and great should be respected.
"You know?" Karma still smiles very gently and has eyes like the stars and the moon.
"You can treat me like I don’t know anything" Chen Senran pushed the door and said goodbye with a smile.
The door Chen Senran froze because he saw a man sitting on the steps.
That delicate and heroic woman, with her eyes closed and her legs crossed, seems to have entered some mysterious realm, and the moonlight shines on her clean eyebrows and eyes as holy as a bodhisattva with eyes closed.
Second watch
It’s really painful to update the rhythm
Page 99 A man with a lot of things on his back
The next day, when Chen Senran came to the library with little Anne, the bodhisattva with eyes closed still sat cross-legged. It seemed that Chen Senran had never moved. Generally speaking, she saw that this exquisite heroic woman should be meditating, but it was reasonable to think that she could become a high-ranking figure of Ionian resistance, Ionian Secret Sect.
Glancing at a woman who was completely unmoved by nothing, Chen Senran made a silence at a curious little girl, touched her little head, pushed the door and went in.
After the counter, Karma sat inside for a night and saw Chen Senran picking them through the door with old-fashioned eyes and rubbed his eyebrows wearily. He smiled at the two men and waved to the little girl for the past.
My little girl is also very fond of this kind lady since one incident. After coming to Obsidian Museum several times recently, it is rare that she didn’t stick to Chen Senran, but sat quietly behind the counter and chatted with Kamahl. After returning home, Chen Senran asked her what she had talked about. This girl also blushed and refused to say.
Seeing the lady waving to her, the little girl smiled and ran to jump into Karma’s arms. The kitten rubbed her cheek.
Karma also seems to enjoy this movement, gently touching the little girl’s little head and conveniently cutting her pink hair.

"Day goes on" and keeps licking blood. Sacco suddenly raised his head. "The living are much more interesting than the scarecrow." Although this man is like a dog now, his calm eyes have reached the top killer foundation.
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的国际大都市,在夜晚展现出别样的魅力。其中,夜市成为了上海夜生活的一大亮点,让人流连忘返。本文将为您盘点夜未央上海夜市的精彩之处,带您走进这座城市的秘密花园。 首先,我们要提到的是66上海夜市。位于徐汇区淮海中路的66上海夜市,源于上世纪80年代,如今已发展成为一座现代化、热闹而又充满活力的城市夜市。这里汇聚了各种美食摊位、小吃店和特色商铺,让您在夜幕下尽情享受购物的乐趣。每周末,夜市还会举办文艺表演、手工艺品展销、音乐会和时尚发布会等活动,让夜市的氛围更加热闹和多彩。 其次,豫园夜市也是上海夜市的一大亮点。作为上海的传统景点,豫园在夜晚展现出别样的魅力。在宫灯掩映下,您可以欣赏到明代园林之美,品尝到上海老字号美食,感受上海的饮食文化。此外,豫园海上梨园昆曲演出更是为夜市增添了文化色彩。 此外,云南南路小吃一条街也是夜市爱好者不容错过的地方。这里汇集了众多上海老字号美食,如鲜得来的排骨年糕、小绍兴的白斩鸡、大壶春的生煎包等。在这里,您可以一边品尝美食,一边欣赏老上海的夜市风情。 当然,夜市中的美食绝对不能错过。上海夜市里的美食琳琅满目,从上海本地小吃到国际美食,无不让人垂涎欲滴。烤串、煎饼果子、麻辣烫、鲜榨果汁等各种小吃琳琅满目,每一种美食都蕴含着独特的风味和文化。 除了美食,上海夜市还有许多特色活动。例如,BFC外滩枫径集市将为您呈现美食、零售、互动、演艺等多元内容。在这里,您可以一边品尝美食,一边欣赏美景,感受上海夜晚的独特魅力。 值得一提的是,上海夜生活节已成为展示夜上海新业态、新模式、新场景、新活力的重要平台。在夜生活节期间,全市共推出了200余个具有国际范、上海味、时尚潮、烟火气的特色人气活动,让市民和游客在夜晚尽情畅游。 总之,夜未央上海夜市为您提供了一个探寻城市魅力的绝佳机会。在这里,您可以品尝美食、购物、欣赏演出,感受上海夜晚的独特魅力。不妨走进这座城市的秘密花园,感受夜生活的精彩吧!
漫步在上海的街头,仿佛走进了一幅流动的画卷,每一处都充满了历史的沉淀与现代的活力。夜幕降临,华灯初上,这座国际大都市的夜生活才真正拉开了序幕。 走在南京路上,霓虹灯闪烁,人潮涌动。这里是上海的象征,也是游客必到之地。沿街的商铺灯火通明,各式各样的商品琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。而那些独具特色的洋楼,仿佛在诉说着上海百年来的沧桑与繁华。 拐进吴江路,这里的夜生活更是热闹非凡。各式酒吧、餐厅、甜品店一字排开,散发着诱人的香气。夜幕下,这里成为了年轻人聚集的地方。他们或举杯畅饮,或品尝美食,欢声笑语不断。在这里,时间仿佛变得缓慢,生活的压力在这一刻得以释放。 继续前行,来到外滩。夜色中的外滩更是别有一番风味。对岸的陆家嘴高楼林立,灯光璀璨,与对岸的外滩建筑交相辉映。漫步在外滩,感受着上海的独特魅力,仿佛穿越时空,回到了那个充满传奇的年代。 沿着黄浦江边,继续前行,来到了豫园。夜晚的豫园别有一番风情。古色古香的建筑,错落有致,让人仿佛置身于古典园林之中。此时,游客们纷纷拿出手机,记录下这美丽的夜景。而那些夜游黄浦江的游船,也成为了夜上海的一道亮丽风景线。 夜幕降临,上海的音乐现场也热闹起来。从静安区的梅赛德斯-奔驰文化中心,到徐汇区的上海大剧院,一场场精彩的音乐会、戏剧演出,让上海的夜生活更加丰富多彩。而那些热爱音乐的人,纷纷涌向现场,感受着音乐的魅力。 当然,上海的夜生活还远不止于此。从新天地到田子坊,从衡山路到武康路,每一个角落都充满了浪漫的气息。漫步在这些充满艺术气息的地方,仿佛能感受到上海这座城市的灵魂。 悠游在上海的街头,邂逅浪漫的都市夜生活,让人流连忘返。这座城市的夜晚,如同它的白天一样,充满了无限的可能。在这里,你可以找到属于自己的那份浪漫,感受这座城市的独特魅力。夜上海,等你来发现。