In the Dharma crowd, instead of saluting Sakyamuni, this time he gave a slight salute to Jiang Tai.
Without saying much, Dharma once again hides the belief in the hearts of believers, which has completely changed at this moment.
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Jiang Tai VS burning lamp
The white blood cloud looks down with huge eyes, while the blood clouds are connected with the worried tree, the Miluo tree, the buckeye tree and the Bodhisattva tree.
Believers from both sides once again chanted their respective Buddhist programs.
The Diamond Sutra and the Heart Sutra seem to have formed two sonic booms, which violently collided in the virtual space and roared in white.
But at the moment, Jiang Tai, Sakyamuni and Burning Lamp have no mind to collide with Buddhist scriptures.
This Buddha has three Sakyamuni and burning lamp Jiang Tai. Although he is a nine-place bodhisattva, his body is a life-saving Buddha, and he has a great name.
Three Buddha looked at the sky with huge eyes.
At the moment, the eyes twinkled slightly as if they were unstable, but along the blood fog, they affected four giant trees and the strong ones.
"Don’t resist the body. Give me my arrival!" The giant eye made a huge sound.
A great will rushed towards the four giant trees.
Jiang Tai suddenly felt a roar in his head.
"It’s not good for you to resist the destruction of Jiang Tianzun with me!" Jiang Tai drinks a lot.
"good!" Everyone should drink behind him.
Bodhisattva Tree has taken a large number of figures at the moment. In addition to the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Confucianism, the Ministry of Medicine and people, there are more than 200 new arhats this time.
In addition to Dharma, Bodhisattva formed arhats on Bodhisattva Avenue, and Bodhisattvas held hands on Bodhisattva trees.
Their eyes closed and they rushed out of Pu Avenue with great will.
"Boom!" "Boom!" ……
One by one will rush into Pu Avenue to resist the will from destroying Jiang Tianzun.
"What a destroy ginger Buddha!" Sun Wu’s face changed and his face was ferocious.
Roaring bamboo blood-red was forced away by Sun Wu at least. This bamboo avenue is Sun Wu’s own avenue. Although it is difficult, the department is clean and emerald green reappears. Sun Wu continues to stalemate and resists the will of destroying Jiang Tianzun.
Han Fei’s blood-red willow branches were also expelled by Han Fei, and there was a flash of horror in his eyes.
Obviously, the will to destroy Jiang Tianzun is so strong that Han Fei is shocked.
The blood-red color of the branches of the Chinese fir tree was also driven away by the ink will.
Bian Que also banished the blood red from the branches of the Ministry of Medicine.
However, the trunk of Bodhisattva Tree is the key. At this moment, blood red changes and goes straight to Jiang Tai’s mind as if to control Jiang Tai’s body.
There was a loud noise and everyone turned to look.
Only to see Mr. Corpse’s burnt wood not only faded from blood red, but also condensed a force to go straight to the trunk to help Jiang Tai expel blood red.
"Mr. corpse?" The giant face a change.
Mr. Corpse’s will is so tough that he can not only expel his own blood red but also help Jiang Tai?
"You don’t have to leave your hands at this moment to destroy Jiang Tianzun. Once you seize the giant body, no one will leave!" Mr. corpse said
"hmm!" Ink, Han Fei is nodded
Will go straight to the trunk to help Jiang Taizhong.
The same is true on the other side.
Although Sakyamuni and Diandengchu have more than 1,000 Bodhisattvas and Lohan, they are still struggling at the moment.
After all, Jiang Tai has a group of strongmen such as Mr. Corpse, Mo, Meng, Sun Wu, Han Fei and Bian Que.
Eye blood fog attached to the two sides of the road doing a huge stalemate.
Destroy the center of Jiang Tianzun
Ginger Buddhists and Buddhism Buddhists have their own great willpower to push the destroyed ginger Buddha to the other side and let the destroyed ginger Buddha live in the other side.
For a while, no one can stand anyone.
"Burning Buddha!" Sakyamuni suddenly said
"Buddha?" Burn the lamp and look at Sakyamuni
"As a result of this stalemate, you and I are working together to double Buddhism and Taoism, but this time I will take a step back to help you take charge of Worry Tree, Miluo Tree and Buckeye Tree, and I will help you win Jiang Tai with you as the main body!" Sakyamuni solemnly said
"The Buddha praised Buddhism, but the Buddha was founded as the Lord of the Buddha Amitabha!" Burn the lamp and say
But at the moment, the burning lamp’s eyes flashed a longing.
What does Sakyamuni mean?
It means that Sakyamuni gave in, and the two Buddhas no longer stood side by side, but were led by burning lamps.
It’s like transporting the emperor to abdicate and letting a prince be the emperor himself.
Sakyamuni abdicated to make way?
"The burning lamp Buddha is not modest. This is the burning lamp Buddha carved in the Buddha’s life and death. Although it is rarely obvious, the understanding of Buddhism and Taoism is stronger than mine. I have consulted you many times in the past. This time, don’t shirk and wait for me! I hope that you will lead me as a Buddhist to establish heaven! " Sakyamuni solemnly said
"Thank you, Buddha!" Burning lamp nodded his head.
"I have seen the burning Buddha!"
But now it seems even more bitter. Is it because of Pu Avenue that you have achieved Lohan?
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